Everywhere you look these days there is a new vitamin or supplement promising to make you feel better and stronger. People are even lining up for b12 shots hoping to have increased energy and even weight loss.
There are so many different vitamins promising so many things that it’s hard to tell what you really need. Increased energy, lack of sleep, forgetfulness, I think we could all fit into those categories.
The only way to tell if you really need to take a specific vitamin, is to get a blood test from your doctor. Your doctor can do a blood panel on you and see if you are deficient in anything. However it is rare to have a vitamin deficiency unless your diet is limited and lacks variety. If you are low in some areas then you can choose if you want to increase certain foods or herbs to reach the apropriate levels or if you want to take a whole-food organic vitamin. Then you can get rechecked by your doctor after a couple months to see where your levels are at.
When I first moved to Los Angeles from Chicago 14 years ago, I was on the health kick. You could find me sipping on some reishi mushroom tea at the Ron Teegaurdan Dragon herbs bar that used to be at Erwhon Heath food store. I was up to date with all the latest super foods, vitamins, potions, and lotions. I took almost everything that promised me that I would look and feel my best. Although it never did and a couple years later I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. A debilitating auto immune disease. Everyones reaction was, how could you get a disease? You are the healthiest person I know! Hence all the vitamins I took. Come to find out that all those vitamins may have done more harm than good. Chinese medicine, which is one of the oldest and most respected beliefs there is, does not believe in taking vitamins. I have been seeing a chinese doctor for years now, she is one of the only doctors still alive in the west coast that has her knowledge in chinese medicine. She has seen over and over, people making themselves literally sick by taking vitamins. She told me that taking vitamins, especially ones that you do not need leaves excess in your blood, making it toxic. Leaving your body too acidic, creating auto immune diseases and even cancers.
So before you take your next vitamin maybe you should ask yourself if it’s making you better or worse? Try cleaning up your diet and getting all your nutrients from there. If that doesn’t work, then try teas and herbs that are all natural. Avoid synthetic vitamins at all costs and seek the most natural form.
It is always best to get your energy from whole, organic, foods.
“The best sources of fiber come from food. Taking a supplement or multiple vitamin can’t replace the damage of a poor diet.” – Linda Von Horn