You don’t need an “Eat, Pray, Love” moment to decide to grow fresh herbs from home. In fact, you don’t even really need a full garden to grow these 5 fresh herbs. They’re so easy to grow, even someone who is less nurturing than a desert can do it.
Fresh basil in a home is a treat for all five senses. Acting as a natural deodorizer, anti-arthritic, anti-inflammatory, and bug repellent, basil is amazing in and out of dishes. Grown from seed or use clippings, keep inside until early spring when it is safe to transfer outdoors. Remove flower stalks as they mature, but remember to think of the bees, birds, and other pollinators who might want a snack.
The fresh scent of rosemary inspires calm, warm, and happy feelings. Rosemary aroma is often used in easing stress, clearing the mind, and relieving anxiety. Nibble on rosemary for bad breath relief. Rosemary oil is great for healing skin irritation and dandruff. The herb grows best from clippings because germination from seed alone is low. Begin growing indoors and transfer the plant outdoors in the spring. For anyone with pesky neighborhood cats that won’t leave the poor birdbath alone planting rosemary is the best natural cat repellent.
Fresh air is great, but fresh air with a hint of mint in it–amazing. Mint is not only delicious in food and beverage, but its medicinal qualities make it even better. Tea made from mint leaves can relieve symptoms of IBS and relieve menstrual cramps. Fresh mint leaves added to bourbon poured over ice make an afternoon extra nice. Mint can be grown indoors from a seed and should be transferred outdoors two weeks before the first frost.
Mint plants do well in direct light, but don’t mind a little shade. Mint loves moist soil, so be weary of overwatering the plant. Whether planted indoors or outdoors, mint makes for an excellent rodent and insect deterrent. Keep your home and garden safe, your stomach settled, and your breath fresh by growing mint.
Known for its piney flavor and wood-like texture, thyme added to a chicken or fish dish is a simple way to add complex flavor. This herb is known for its medicinal healing properties. Thyme should be sown indoors and can be transferred outside in the early spring. As it grows, it will create a ground covering that keeps weeds from growing. Thyme also attracts pollinators like bees and butterflies. For an ethereal garden experience, delicious meals, and medicinal benefits, plant thyme.
Also referred to as cilantro, coriander is known for its strong aroma and taste. It’s an herb that’s nearly universal as it can be used on meats, in salsas, soups, and more. Coriander is rich in vitamin C and can aid in healthy digestion. The seed itself has been known to relieve stress. Plant seeds outdoors in the spring and early summer and harvest leaves as they appear.