You’ve seen her on Bravo’s Real Housewives of Orange County. Now she’s on WE tv’s Marriage Boot Camp: Reality Stars. But besides being a reality star, Gretchen Rossi has also expanded her name into a brand putting her name on everything from cosmetics to swimwear. Luckily, we got to ask Gretchen a few questions about her juicy new show, her relationship, and what people learn about her once they meet her.
Your label, Gretchen Christine, features everything from cosmetics to swimwear.
What’s your next business venture?
Gretchen Christine is continuing to grow and expand every year into other categories. We launched Gretchen Christine Swim last year to huge success and have been asked to have the line including our new swimsuit cover-up collection in multiple W Hotels, which we are very excited about. We have also launched Gretchen Christine Casual, a collection of ready-to-wear garments.
We have been approached to expand into spirits and health food categories, which will allow Gretchen Christine to grow into a full lifestyle brand. Very soon we will be adding new and innovative products to our current tanning line, which we know the customers will be very happy about, as our
“Tan In A Can” product has been very popular with them. Gretchen Christine wants to be the beauty and fashion solution for the everyday woman who wants to look and feel her best without breaking the bank! We love listening to our customers needs and wants.
We love making their requests become a reality.
When people meet you in person, after seeing you on TV, what are people most surprised to learn about you?
It’s funny cause they always say, “Wow! You are so much prettier and skinnier in person” and then I say, “Wow! I must look ugly and fat on TV,”
and then they go “Oh no, that’s not what I meant.” I just start to laugh and say, “I’m just kidding” It actually kind of breaks the ice.
You have filmed five seasons of The Real Housewives. What made you want to pursue another reality show?
I wasn’t looking to pursue another reality show, but the truth is once you are in that space, it makes sense that more opportunities are going to come your way, that’s how any business works.
Unfortunately, I was no longer happy doing Housewives because it became very toxic, negative and, sadly, all about tearing woman down, which always went against the grain of who I am as a person. When this opportunity presented itself, we saw it as a way to still do what we have enjoyed for the last half decade of our lives (sharing our lives with the fans), but in a different format. I was promised that it would be much more of an uplifting and character building show, and therefore it sparked our interest. Slade and I have always said, if we are no longer growing in a space then
it is time to turn the page, so we did.
What did being on Marriage Boot Camp: Reality Stars teach you about your relationship?
It taught us so many things, but first and foremost, that your relationship doesn’t have to be in a bad place in order to want to do something good for it. We knew we weren’t in a bad place, per se, or on the brink of a breakup, but we knew there was always room for growth in a relationship.
We were not opposed to addressing issues that could potentially create problems in the future if we didn’t learn the skills of how to deal with them properly. Many say doing therapy is a sign of weakness, but I say it’s weak to not be able to admit that no one’s relationship is perfect, and that we can all use some skills to help communicate better with our partners. Slade and I love each other dearly and we were willing to put our issues out on TV. [We wanted] the world to know that even when you love someone so much, it doesn’t mean you don’t face troubles or issues in life. We wanted to be the example that you can get through arguments and learn how to be a better couple together with a little tough work. Our hope is that by sharing our struggles, we can possibly help other couples with what they might be facing.
Out of all the couples who were on the show, who were you most surprised was also casted?
We were definitely surprised when Trista and Ryan walked through the door; however, we were also relieved because I had a feeling they would be similar to Slade and I. We might not be broken or on the brink of a break-up, but we were there to better ourselves and learn skills to help make our relationship a forever one.
After all of the issues were out in the open, did you end up connecting with any of the other couples?
Yes, we ended up connecting with all of them in the end! It was a remarkable experience to go through [that] with everyone. You got to see the good, the bad, and the ugly while we were in such close quarters together. I am so proud of our growth there, and the relationships that were built with the cast. Being a part of the family and having such a great experience overall was such a blessing, and something I’ll never forget. It was challenging and hard at times, but overall very well worth it!
What should we expect from this season?
Marriage Boot Camp
has all the couples going through some really tough exercises, because of the diverse issues being dealt with, I am sure so many people will be able to relate.
The exercises are shocking, funny, and sometimes outrageous, but they really put things into perspective.
We really learned a lot.
It’s such a fun show to watch, and at the same time, there are amazing life lessons learned.
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