Discover the Struggles and Triumphs of the VIVA GLAM Supermodels in MODELS Talk!
MODELS Talk is VIVA GLAM Magazine’s very first talk show. When most people think of modeling, they think of the glitz and glam, but they don’t see much of the hardship that comes with all of it. The stereotype of a model is generally a very specific age, weight, and look, and a lot of models find themselves constantly struggling to fit into that world. Our VIVA GLAM supermodels are no exception. We think they are the most gorgeous, substantial women, yet they have all met many hardships. However, they persevere and come out stronger women and stronger models. Join host Candace Kita as she discusses these struggles with our special guests.
On this episode of MODELS Talk, Candace sits down with VIVA GLAM supermodel Dessie Mitcheson. Dessie proudly placed in the top 15 of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit competition. Since then, she has seen many successes, such as walking in the Sports Illustrated runway show and being on “The Amazing Race”. However, she has also experienced struggles in the modeling world because of her height. Being considered a “petite” model definitely comes with its own challenges. Dessie discusses those challenges and talks about how she is overcoming them.
Then, tune in next Tuesday to hear Candace’s chat with VIVA GLAM cover model Pamela Francesca. Pamela has faced many hardships in the world of modeling. She started at a very young age, so it wasn’t easy for her to adjust when her body started maturing and changing. Hear all about it next week!
MODELS Talk Episode 1: Interview with Anna Katharina