Our very own contributor, Bo L. Arnold, has expanded upon her weekly column to deliver you a
book about health and wellness.
Do you wake up every morning excited to start your daily routine? Do you wish you could be making more money or look a different way? Do you waste precious minutes of your day worrying about what you don’t have but don’t even spend time to improve your circumstances? Do you have an unhealthy relationship with food and neglect your body from getting what it really needs? If you answered “Yes” to any, or all, of the above questions, our contributor Bo L. Arnold wrote the book you’ll need to enhance your life.
The book is separated into three sections: 1) Mood, 2) Food, and 3) Gratitude.
Bo guides you through practices on how to eliminate words from your vocabulary such as “can’t” and “unworthy” – to let go of the lies and negativity that we’ve been trained to believe. She notes that if all of our “beliefs” were truths, then we would all believe the same thing. Since we don’t, we need to have the power to see the truth. Bo teaches us how to choose one unloving belief at a time and learn to let it go. We can heal the scared kid inside of us all.
Bo teaches us how to gauge which foods are best for us and to learn about our personal relationship with food. She also explains how “food” not only applies to what we eat, but also what we are a part of in our lives. We learn about the energy of all of our activities, clubs, and hobbies and how that affects our health.
Here Bo teaches us about the power of our minds, to be grateful for what we have and don’t have, and to accept that we all have our own paths. She also teaches us how noise can make us sick and the power of getting outside, silence, and the healing power of a smile.
If you love Bo’s column in VIVA GLAM, you will love this book. It’s in a similar essay format which is relatable and easily digestible. She also gives you practices with each essay for you to tackle each issue one by one. If you’re struggling with finding your way to love, happiness, and overall health, it’s time to let Bo help you.