Whoa.what? By now you’re well aware of the coffee boom we’re experiencing around the world- it seems as though a local coffee shop has opened up on every street corner. But, did you know that mushroom coffee just might be the latest and greatest in superfoods? Four Sigmatic is a Finnish company that’s claiming numerous health benefits for mushroom infused coffee.
What’s the Point?
Mushroom’s pack a punch in nutritional value, and the fact of the matter is that many people simply skip them because they don’t enjoy the taste or texture that they provide. Four Sigmatic solved that problem when they began infusing things like coffee, hot cocoa, and other blends with mushrooms to deliver the same benefits without the taste or texture.
How Does It Work?
Don’t worry, the mushrooms are completely transformed before they’re used, meaning you won’t find pieces of mushroom floating around in your hot half-caf. Rather, Four Sigmatic isolates and spray dries mushrooms’ key constituents, creating a fine powder which contains all the nutrients in an incredibly high concentration. Once the powder has been tested, it’s added to instant ground coffee. simply add the hot water and viola: your nutritious mushroom coffee is served.
Why Coffee?
One would think that the mushroom powder could be added to any meal or beverage for the desired effect. The truth is that mushrooms further enhance the already beneficial aspects of a regular cup of coffee. For example, blood sugar regulation and natural acidity reduction are two benefits of combining mushrooms and coffee.
So, Add Mushrooms to Everything?
Not so fast. It’s vital for consumers to be aware of the fact that mushrooms have been utilized medicinally by humans all over the world for thousands of years. There’s a very real mechanism of action that varies among the different types of mushrooms, so it’s important to understand what you’re consuming and how that relates to your body (and anything else you may be taking or consuming).
When it comes to consuming mushrooms in a concentrated powder form, there’s a large list of do’s and don’ts – such as don’t consume Chagas mushrooms before surgery because they’ll act as a blood thinner; don’t consume maitake mushrooms if you’re medicated for high blood pressure or diabetes medications because there will be drug interactions; etcetera, etcetera.
Bottom Line.
The health benefits of mushrooms are undeniable: their natural vitamin D content is great for numerous conditions. Be that as it may, mushrooms are most safely consumed in regular form – think: in soups or on salads. If you want to drink mushroom infused coffee, because of the high concentration of nutrients, please consult with a professional who’s well versed on drug interactions and your medical history. If he gives you the all clear – enjoy the benefits (and the taste) of mushroom infused coffee!