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Can PRP Treat Hair Loss?

Platelet rich plasma (PRP) is a treatment used to accelerate healing in various parts of the body. It also helps restore hair loss. Doctors usually use this treatment in case of male pattern baldness or hair loss resulting from androgenetic alopecia.

PRP is a relatively new approach, but there is significant evidence which suggests that it can promote hair growth thus treat hair loss.

All about Platelet rich plasma treatment

Platelets along with red and white blood cells form the blood. Platelets are the first responders in the human body, they are the first ones to arrive in case of a cut or wound to stop bleeding and promote healing of the wound.

To make PRP, the medical professional will collect a blood sample and put it in a centrifuge. Centrifuge is a machine which spins rapidly and separates the components of blood. This is how platelets are extracted. As PRP contains any proteins that enhance tissue recovery, researches hypothesized that PRP can promote hair regrowth by reversing the hair loss.

Since then PRP has been accepted among popular Hair Regrowth & Hair Loss Treatments. Beyond hair loss PRP is also used to treat injuries to muscles, ligaments and tendons which are common during sports or strenuous activities.

PRP Procedure for hair loss

When you consider PRP treatment for hair loss at any laser clinic Sydney, the procedure will comprise of the following steps:

  • Blood is drawn from a vein in your arm
  • The blood sample collected is placed in a centrifuge
  • The centrifuge spins rapidly to separate the platelets
  • Platelets are then extracted using a syringe
  • Doctor will inject the extracted platelets into the target areas

The process usually takes about an hour and you may need several sessions depending on your requirement. After undergoing the treatment, you will be able to go back to your normal routine without any limitations.

Effectiveness of PRP Hair Regrowth & Hair Loss Treatments

There are many research studies done on effectiveness of PRP, which have indicated that PRP injections reduced hair loss and increased the density of hair. However, the effectiveness of the treatment is still not conclusive owing to small sample sizes.

PRP is not a permanent cure for any condition that causes hair loss. Therefore, you will need to take multiple sessions to maintain the hair growth. The same fact also applies to topical medications that doctors prescribe to treat alopecia.

The doctor will recommend the frequency of PRP depending on the individual’s condition and the initial results. Usually, doctors suggest taking a maintenance injection after every 3-6 months.

Key takeaway about PRP

PRP treatment for hair loss has some very promising potential, which has been indicated by various research studies. Talking to an expert medical practitioner to get your blood tested for platelets and discussing the hair health will help you make a decision easily. Whenever, you consider this treatment for hair loss, make sure you choose a certified practitioner. This will increase your chances of desired results and minimal discomfort.


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