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Haven't you noticed that whenever you watch TV or go to the movies how great the stars of the show look? Well, in case you didn't know already, celebrities work hard to look good. They have mastered the skill to look good all year round. Also, if you haven’t already guessed, it’s no secret. It’s all hard work. Here are what celebs do to have a bikini body all year round!

Haven’t you noticed that whenever you watch TV or go to the movies how great the stars of the show look? Well, in case you didn’t know already, celebrities work hard to look good. They have mastered the skill to look good all year round. Also, if you haven’t already guessed, it’s no secret. It’s all hard work. Here are what celebs do to have a bikini body all year round!


Believe it or not, this is my top hot body tip! Eating real whole foods on a daily basis will sculpt your body in bikini shape in no time. Especially eating raw whole foods, this is the key to losing weight, building lean muscle, and improving your health. Incorporating a plant based diet, whether you eat meat or not, is essential to any healthy eating program. What you eat today, you wear tomorrow.

Hot Body
: fruits, veggies, lean proteins, healthy fats, and lots of water


Maintain regular exercise. Whether you are just getting started or have been active for years, keep being consistent. Consistency is key to achieving results. Exercise helps burn fat and sculpts lean muscle. Your body was designed to move around, so find something you like to do. If you are bored with your current choice of exercise, find something else to challenge you. Being a fitness expert for over 10 years, I will say that the combinations of the 3 elements listed below are necessary for an overall balanced fitness program.

Strength– Resistance training will add lean muscle to sculpt your body.

Cardio-Not only is cardio great for the heart, it is essential to burn the fat off to see your hard earned muscle.

Flexibility– This is often overlooked in many fitness programs. Flexibility help lengthen muscles to increase range of motion and alleviate pain.


Beside nutrition and exercise, this is probably one of the most important ways to get bikini ready in any fitness program. Getting a minimum of 8 hours of sleep is necessary for your hormones. Sleep deprivation causes your hormones to go off balance. Having your hormones out of whack will mess your appetite and your metabolism so that you burn less calories and fat. Also, another great reason for catching your zzz’s is that the body repairs itself each night. Exercise can causes micro tears in the muscle. You need your sleep to repair the hard earned muscle that you worked for.

If you are sleep deprived:

Your body makes more Ghrelin-the hormone that says “GO EAT MORE”

Your body makes less leptin-the hormone that says stop to tell your body “I’M FULL”

Your body makes more cortisol-increases your appetite and prevents you from burning fat effectively

Sleep on that!


Be realistic. If you are short and have a pear shape, don’t make the mistake of wanting to look like a tall thin Victoria Secret body type. Chances are you will never have that body type no matter what you eat or do to exercise, but you can make the best of the body type you do have. As a fitness trainer I help my clients assess their body after we take their pictures and measurements. We currently see where they are at and we assess their body type right there on the spot. There are 3 body types. Please note that you can be tall or short and still have the body types listed below.

Ectomorph: Thin delicate frame and bone structure. Hard to put on muscle or gain weight.

Mesomorph: Larger bone structure, more lean muscle mass, naturally athletic.

Endomorph: Soft round physiques, hard to lose weight; gain both muscle and fat easily.

I like to tell my clients to pick a realistic body type in a magazine that is comparable to theirs for a visual aid to stay motivated.


This tip is essential to staying on track. Everyday there will be some type of temptation to derail us of our goals. Somewhere in your journey on your path to your bikini body ready, you will have some type of birthday, holiday, or special occasion that will pop up. You need to stay strong and keep our eye on the prize. Some people will not have the same goals you have, so be prepared for others to sabotage or tempt you with bad choices. Here are some of my bikini rituals that I personally preach:

Visual aids

    1. Hang the bikini you are dying to wear somewhere in plain sight, seeing this on an everyday basis and trying it on regularly, keeps me in check.
    2. Fitness magazines are a great way to stay motivated. Reading the latest articles and seeing the beautiful bodies always keep me striving to get to my goals.
    3. Motivational sayings. I put motivational saying on my bathroom mirror on post it notes. When I brush my teeth, it is the first thing I see when I wake up and the last thing I see before I go to bed.
    4. A vision board. I have a cork board full of beautiful bikini bodies, motivational sayings, and a list of my own personal goals/dreams. I look at it every day to remind myself of what I am working for.
    5. Goal calendar. I have a good old fashion paper calendar (not my windows outlook) that is somewhere in plain sight. I set a time frame in which I want to accomplish my fitness goals. This helps me see the “BIG” picture.


Nobody has the perfect body. So whether you make it to your bikini body goal or not, picking the right cut of swimsuit is important to making the most of our assets and deflecting from any flaws. Here are a few tips to picking out the right swimwear:

Small on top-If you are not comfortable with your cup size and looking to naturally enhance them, I recommend a bikini top with padding or underwire to give you that extra boost you need.

Large on top-Looking to minimize? Halter tops are great for support while giving you sexy cleavage. Sporty bikini bra tops have coverage to minimize as well.

Short legs or torso– Wear a bikini bottom that is higher cut on the hips. This will give you the illusion of longer legs.

Long body type-To prevent looking like a bean pole in your bikini, this body type can wear ruffles, bows, tie sides, and embellishments.

Big hips/butt-Looking to hide some of the junk in the trunk? Wearing boy shorts is a good way to cover up. If that is not enough coverage, there is always a sarong!

I would also like to suggest that when buying a bikini, look for separates where you can choose your top and bottom separately. This makes for a better fit. Happy hunting!

Marzia’s Top Bikini Tip

    1. Eat real whole foods
    2. Exercise
    3. Sleep
    4. Find ways to stay motivated
    5. Know your body type and LOVE it!




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