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November 2012 Cover Model Cheryl Burke of Dancing With the Stars

The lovely Cheryl Burke talks to Viva Glam about her amazing career on Dancing with the Stars, what it takes to stay disciplined and how her body issues and past difficulties have helped shape the fabulous person she is today! Photos by Deja Jordan and Ben Grenard, Makeup by Katarina Van Derham, Hair by Angelica Curiel, Styling by Rene Sweeney

VG How was the last season of DWTS going for you?

CB This is by far my favorite season of Dancing with the Stars.
I love being back in Dallas and training with Emmitt.
He challenges me to be a better dancer, dance teacher and person.

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VG You seem to have a great chemistry with Emmitt Smith, which I feel, is the key to winning. What do you do when you have a partner that you dislike and have no chemistry?

CB I’ve been lucky in that I’ve never had a part that I didn’t like.
Chemistry is different with each partner and sometimes even though you really do get along, chemistry is harder to create so you play to the strengths that are there.

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VG In your biography you talk about how you used to be shy, and that you gave up ballet because you didn’t have a “ballet body.” How did you overcome these issues?

CB I don’t think I’ll ever entirely overcome my body issues.
Every day I have to remember that my body is my body and it’s the right body for me.
I think for everyone it is easy to focus on the negative feelings we might have about our bodies without remembering to focus on the positive things.
The most important thing is to never compare yourself with someone else.
We are all unique and that’s what makes us special.


VG How has your past painful experiences shaped you into the person you are today?

CB Now that I’m an adult I’ve accepted my past and have used it to make me a better person.
I know that I don’t have to be ashamed of what happened to me and that every day I have to live knowing that none of that was my fault.


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VG You’ve had the opportunity to have some pretty remarkable people as dance partners. What are some lessons you’ve learned from some of them and your favorite memories

CB I’m lucky that I’ve been partnered with celebrities that have lived very full and vibrant lives.
And each and everyone one of them has given me advice based on their experiences.
I couldn’t ask for more.
My favorite memories are my championship seasons with Drew and Emmitt, my season with Rob Kardashian because I know his family so well and my season with Wayne Newton- you will never meet a kinder human being.


VG It takes tremendous discipline to be a competitive dancer. Where does your drive and motivation come from? What about days when you feel like being lazy?

CB I have always wanted to be the best that I can be.
I’m very competitive and I don’t like to lose.
I also like to be lazy and just have that one day every once in a while to veg on the couch.
I think you need to treat yourself to that for mental health.


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VG What do you do to make yourself feel glamorous?

CB I get eyelash extensions!!
There’s nothing like feeling and looking glam every day without having to lift a finger.


VG How is your collaboration with Veet hair removal going?

CB Veet has been very supportive of my career with DWTS.
My partnership with them is a no-brainer.
As a dancer smooth flawless skin is a must!


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VG What about Macy’s?

CB I live in Ideology from Macy’s.
So it was extremely flattering when they asked me to be their brand spokesperson.
The clothes are exactly what I would have designed myself.


VG You’re still very young and already living on top of the world. What are your goals for the future?

CB I’m always looking for what is next.
I never stop thinking about the future and what it might hold for me.
I’m not sure what my next project will be but I know for a fact it will be amazing!



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