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Five Delicious Creamy Dessert Recipes that Will Make you Swoon

For those of you with a sweet tooth, dessert can highlight any meal. Fortunately, creamy desserts are not only delicious, but they’re also easy to make. Here are five recipes that you can use to tantalize your taste buds and create an unforgettable dessert experience.

Banana Cream Pie

The first recipe is for an old-fashioned Banana Cream Pie. To make it, start by mixing a cup of sugar and ⅓ cup of all-purpose flour in a medium bowl. In a separate bowl, beat three egg yolks until light and fluffy before adding them to the dry ingredients and whisking until combined. Then slowly add 1¼ cups whole milk while stirring until the mixture thickens. Once thick need, add 1½ teaspoons of vanilla extract and one tablespoon of butter and stir until blended. 

In a separate bowl, whip one cup of heavy cream until stiff before gently folding it into the custard mixture. Pour everything into a 9-inch deep pie dish lined with pre-made pastry dough and bake at 375 degrees Fahrenheit for 25 minutes or until golden brown. After it cools, slice four large bananas and layer them onto the crust before pouring the banana cream over the top. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight to set. Serve chilled with more whipped cream on top.

Chocolate Mousse Cake

This following decadent recipe is for a gorgeous Chocolate Mousse Cake. Preheat your oven, grease and flour two round cake pans then set them aside. Take ½ cup of Dutch-processed cocoa powder and whisk it together with 1⅓ cups of boiling water until everything is blended, then set the mixture aside to cool. 

Meanwhile, cream together one cup of softened butter and one cup of granulated sugar in an electric mixer bowl until light and creamy before adding three eggs one at a time while continually scraping down the sides of the bowl. Then add 2½ cups all-purpose flour and mix until just combined before stirring the cooled cocoa mixture. Divide batter evenly between the two pans and bake for 20 to 25 minutes. Allow the cakes to cool completely before layering them with 3 cups of prepared chocolate mousse filling. Once filled, cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight. Serve chilled, and enjoy.

Coconut Panna Cotta

This Coconut Panna Cotta recipe is just delicious. Start by combining ½ cup coconut milk, 1½ cups whole milk, and two teaspoons of gelatin in a small bowl and stirring until combined, then set aside for 10 minutes so that it can bloom. 

Meanwhile, heat one cup of heavy cream, ⅓ cup of granulated sugar, and ¼ teaspoon of salt in a medium saucepan over low heat until everything is combined and the sugar has dissolved. Once done, add the bloomed gelatin mixture while constantly stirring until it’s completely dissolved. Then pour in one teaspoon of vanilla extract and two tablespoons of coconut rum before removing from heat. Divide into four glasses or ramekins before refrigerating for four hours or overnight to set. Serve chilled with a dollop of fresh whipped cream on top!

Butterscotch Custard

The following recipe calls for Butterscotch Custard. Start by preheating your oven and then grease a baking dish generously with butter. In a medium saucepan, melt ¾ cup butter over low heat, then stir in 1½ cups packed brown sugar until combined and smooth. Pour this mixture into the greased baking dish and spread it evenly over the bottom.

In a large bowl, whisk together two eggs, 1⅓ cup of heavy cream, ½ teaspoon of salt, two teaspoons vanilla extract, ¼ teaspoon ground nutmeg, and a pinch of ground cinnamon until combined. Then pour it over the butterscotch layer before baking for 25 minutes or until golden brown and set in the center. Allow cooling completely before serving with fresh whipped cream on top.

How to use your cream charger to make show-stopping desserts

Whether you want to impress your guests with a show-stopping dessert or try something new, using cream chargers to create delicious and airy desserts is an exciting way to do it. Start by adding one 8g cream charger per ½ liter of cold heavy cream into the whipping siphon and shake well before attaching the charger. Then charge the mixture with nitrous oxide until it’s thick and creamy. 

Once your nang wizard cream dispenser is charged, release pressure from the siphon and gently fold in any additional ingredients, such as chocolate chips, nuts, or fruit, before pouring them into serving dishes. Refrigerate the mixture overnight before serving so everything sets. 


These five creamy dessert recipes are sure to make any occasion special. From the rich and decadent Chocolate Layer Cake with Mousse Filling to the light and fragrant Coconut Panna Cotta, each recipe is delicious and easy to make. The Butterscotch Custard and Lemon Crème Brûlée offer a classic twist on traditional favorites, while the Cinnamon Churros provide an exciting alternative for those looking for something new. With all these delicious desserts in your repertoire, you can rest assured that whatever occasion you celebrate will be one to remember.


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