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Hate the way you look in glasses? Here’s how you can feel more confident

We’d all love to feel comfortable in our appearance every day, but unfortunately, that isn’t the case for most of us. If you’ve been feeling self-conscious about the way you look when wearing the glasses you desperately need to see, then this blog has got you covered. While it won’t magically change the way you see yourself, it will provide you with some actionable tips you can use to try and transform your appearance into something you love a whole lot more.

Learn more about your face shape

If you’re looking to order prescription glasses, then it’s a good idea to learn more about how the shape of your face affects the types of glasses that will suit you the best. Buying new glasses without new information will only leave you feeling just as unhappy as you currently are, so get ready to make some changes. If you have a round face and wear round glasses, your face might be looking a little unbalanced. Try angular or square glasses next time to bring a bit more definition to your features. Alternatively, if your cheekbones are very pronounced, consider softer oval lenses.

Change your makeup

Glasses can change the way our eyes and eyebrows look, so if you feel like your beautiful features are being swallowed by your frames, add a little bit of makeup to make them stand out. This could mean using eyeliner to accentuate your lash line or using bold eyeshadow colors for a pop of something special. You could even have your eyebrows reshaped and colored by a professional, which could make all the difference when you slip your specs on.

Think about your style

Are you really unhappy with the way glasses make you look or are you more generally dissatisfied with your style? Changing up your wardrobe could help you to love your glasses a lot more, especially if your current frames don’t match the clothes you wear. If your frames are stylish and you can’t figure out why you don’t love them, try pairing them with a really chic outfit. If that doesn’t work, change your hairstyle or add some accessories – you never know what could make all the difference.

Consider contacts

For some people, glasses will just never feel quite right. Luckily, we live in a time when contact lenses are incredibly accessible. Lots of people wear contact lenses for a variety of reasons, including playing sports or simply for convenience. Contact lenses won’t be suitable for everyone, so make sure you talk to your optician about what they recommend. Some people may need to use disposable contacts while others can use long-term lenses. If contact lenses aren’t an option for you, ask your optician whether there are any treatments or surgeries that could improve your vision if your eyesight is impacting your life in a very negative way.

If you’ve only recently got a new pair of glasses, remember to give them some time. It takes a while to get used to changes in our appearance and, after a few months, we don’t even notice the difference anymore.


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