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How To Care For Postpartum Skin

In the process of creating new life, women go through a lot of physical changes. In particular, your skin goes through immense changes during and after pregnancy. 

As such, postpartum skincare should be on top of the list of most moms. In this article, you’ll learn some of the physical skin changes women experience during and after pregnancy and tips on overcoming them. 

Understanding Postpartum Skin Changes

The skin is the body’s largest organ. Like the rest of your organs, the skin works hard to accommodate the demand of creating a new life within you. In the case of your skin, it means stretching to incredible amounts to make room for your baby and everywhere else. 

Generally, pregnancy-related skin changes occur for various reasons, including hormonal fluctuations and structural changes in your skin. Depending on your body, these changes can manifest in multiple forms, including:

  • Stretch marks
  • Melasma or dark skin patches
  • Acne breakouts
  • Dark circles and puffy eyes
  • Dry or oily skin
  • Postpartum hives
  • Sensitive skin

4 Tips To Care For Skin After Child Delivery

It can take time for your skin to bounce back from the intensive changes during pregnancy. Fortunately, there are effective ways to help your skin through the recovery process. 

Here’s how you can care for your skin after childbirth:

  1. Use The Right Skincare Products

One of the best solutions to manage your postpartum skin woes is to use the right skincare products. Depending on what’s ailing your skin, you have thousands of options to choose from. 

For instance, if stretchmarks are your primary issue, you can find stretchmark oil or cream that helps strengthen and tone your skin while improving the appearance of stretch marks and blemishes. Most of these products contain antioxidants, collagen, and other ingredients that help improve the skin’s suppleness and elasticity, leaving the skin silky-soft and moisturized.  

For dry skin, you can find a wide array of moisturizing products that are safe to use during pregnancy or postpartum. They contain collagen and shea butter to help hydrate your skin and recover suppleness. 

Consider what postpartum skin issues you’re facing and find the right products with the right ingredients that can help you resolve them. 

  1. Eat Healthily

While the best skin care products can help keep repairing your postpartum skin, these products only go skin deep. If you want to tackle the issue from the inside out and achieve better results, you should start eating a well-balanced diet. Plus, most beauty product ingredients can be consumed directly. 

A healthy diet with lots of skin-friendly foods can help improve overall skin health and heal postpartum skin issues. Here are some types of food you should add to your meals after delivery:

  • Fatty Fish

Fatty fish, including mackerel, salmon, and sardines, are highly beneficial for skin health. High in omega-3 fatty acids, consuming these types of fish can help reduce inflammation which causes acne and redness. 

In addition, fatty fish is an excellent source of vitamin E which helps fight against skin damage and inflammation. Rich in high-quality protein, fatty fishes also help maintain the integrity and strength of your skin while assisting in the production of new skin cells to improve blemishes. 

  • Fruits And Vegetables

Stocking up on fruits and vegetables can help your skin recover after delivery. Most fruits and veggies are rich in vitamin C and help stimulate collagen to improve stretchmarks and hyperpigmentation. Meanwhile, leafy greens offer lots of vitamins and minerals that can protect your skin against inflammation and sun damage.  

  • Probiotic And Prebiotic Foods

Adding probiotic and prebiotic foods to your postpartum diet can help support a healthy gut. And a healthy gut means healthy skin. Disruption of your gut bacteria can cause varying skin issues from irritation and inflammation, including hormone-caused acne related to pregnancy. 

As such, adding skin-supporting probiotics and prebiotics to your diet can ensure a well-balanced gut microbiome and support bright-looking skin after childbirth. Some probiotic foods you should incorporate are kimchi, sauerkraut, and yogurt. Meanwhile, garlic, asparagus, and leeks are excellent sources of prebiotic fiber. 

  1. Avoid The Sun 

If you’re suffering from hyperpigmentation or melasma after delivery, one of the best ways to control it is to avoid the sun. If you need to go out, you should use baby-safe sunscreen all over your body. 

By slathering your skin with daily SPF, you can keep the dark blemishes at bay, preventing them from worsening while deeply moisturizing your skin. 

  1. Sleep

Pregnancy and child delivery can take a toll on your body. Your body will need a lot of energy to repair itself and return to normal. To do that, you need to get plenty of sleep

However, this is easier said than done. Since your newborn will need you almost all the time, it can be challenging to get the sleep you need. 

As such, here are some tips to help you sleep faster and get better sleep quality:

  • Keep your room cool and dark
  • Choose the right mattress and pillow
  • Sleep when your baby sleeps
  • Try relaxation exercises 
  • Manage your stress


Self-care typically takes a back seat after giving birth, as all your focus may be on providing care to your newborn. However, you should still give yourself and your skin some TLC. 

While getting back your pre-baby skin glow may seem like a far-fetched dream at times, none of these skin changes are truly permanent. With an excellent postpartum skincare routine, you can return to feeling and looking like your prenatal self in no time, allowing you to regain your confidence and glow.


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