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Do Inspiration Boards for 2017

Inspiration Boards

What do you want to do in 2017? Who do you want to become? What is it that you’re going for? Trust us, you’re going to need a lot of inspiration to get yourself moving as this year comes into full swing, but if you’re like most people, then you’ve probably set a resolution, and you know exactly how resolutions go.

You make them, you stick with them for a few weeks, and then you forget you ever made them. You don’t want that to happen this year, and that’s why we’re going to tell you right now: make an inspiration board.

Time to Get Inspired

There’s never been a better time to get inspired, and in our opinion an inspiration board can do exactly that. So what is it? How can it help you? First of all, an inspiration board will represent your dreams, your desires, and of course, your goals. There’s more to it than writing them down.

That might be all you do in the short term, but by doing so you’re putting them out there; you’re letting the universe know that you want it and that you’re willing to put in the work to get it. It might take some work on your part (definitely) but your wants and your desires will begin to manifest over the next year.

Bring your Friends

Putting together an inspiration board shouldn’t be something that you do alone; bring some friends with you to share in the experience! You can throw a party and make a day of it, don’t forget to bring all of the essentials:

  • Magazines
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Construction Paper
  • Stickers
  • Colored Pens

If you want to make it super exciting, turn it into a potluck dinner! Not only are you putting all of your wishes and energies out there to the universe, you’re turning it into a fun event, and every time you think about falling through on your convictions, you can think back to the promises you made, and how much fun you had making them. The board will always be there to remind you, and before you know it, you’re going to be well on your way to becoming exactly who you wanted to be all along.

Bottom line: don’t let your ambitions fall through. Make your resolutions, stick to them, and make sure that you’re ready to head out there and achieve the life you want in 2017. There are a lot of challenges to be faced in the year ahead, either by yourself or by those around you, but you can get through it, and you can meet your goals.

All you need to do is be ready to step up to the challenge and put your wishes out there. It might sound difficult but trust us, you’re going to thank us later.


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