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Mistakes to Avoid when Undergoing Laser Hair Removal Service

Women love hair, but only on their heads. Yet, every few days, they must either pluck, tweeze, or shave the extra hair on their legs, underarms, faces, etc. Suffice it to say getting rid of these hairs every 15 days is tedious and painful. Most importantly, having too much hair on your face is a cause for decreasing confidence in many women. So, they endure this pain. However, there is a better option than this: laser hair removal. Laser hair removal uses laser technology to remove unwanted hair. It is less painful, and after a few sessions, your hair growth becomes negligible or does not grow back completely. However, you still need to be careful with laser hair removal services. Avoid making these common mistakes, whether it is your first or second time.

Mistake 1: Asking only for prices

What do you do when you think about getting laser hair removal services? You research a few of the best clinics providing these services. Then you call them and ask for prices for the various treatments. Right? But asking just for the prices is not the best strategy. You should also ask about the various laser treatments they offer. If you like the answer, book a face-to-face consultation. The doctor will tell you which treatment you should undergo according to your skin type and issue.

Mistake 2: Exposing yourself to sunlight before treatment

Whether it is your first or second laser treatment, you must stay out of the sun before getting one. Ensure that you avoid sunlight as much as humanly possible. Cover yourself with a scarf or mask and wear shades when going out before a session. Why? Ultraviolet light can stimulate melanocytes, increasing melanin in your skin. You do not want the skin color to match the hair color for the procedure to work well. So, avoid going out in the sun and ensure you wear sunscreen if you do.

Mistake 3: Expecting results with the first treatment

Patients going for laser treatment for the first time always make the mistake of assuming that their hair growth will stop after that. That is a mistake! It is not a miracle treatment. It takes time, as it works only in the anagen phase, which is the full-grown root. Most of the time, 25%–30% of the body hair is in the anagen phase. Thus, multiple treatments are needed to ensure you get the best results. Also, how many sessions you need depends on your skin type, hormonal issues, and hair type.

Mistake 4: Sticking to your usual skincare routine

Before your treatment, using any skincare routine is a mistake. Your doctor will advise you about what to use and what not to use. However, avoiding all types of perfumes, deodorants, oils, and other chemically infused ingredients is better. They will react with the IPL or laser device if you use them. It can increase the risk of pigmentation and discoloration. Go with clean and dry skin for better results.

Mistake 5: Not telling the doctor about your medication

When you go for laser hair removal, be honest with your dermatologist. Make sure you tell them about all the medications you are taking. It is necessary because antibiotics, aspirin, and a few other medications can cause hyperpigmentation. It can cause delays or problems with your treatment. Being transparent about everything will help the doctor create a plan that doesn’t impact your health or the treatment. They may ask you not to take the medications causing hyperpigmentation for a day or two before the treatment.

Mistake 6: Not shaving between or before the treatment

It is necessary to avoid waxing or tweezing the hair before or in between the treatments. But there is no such rule about shaving. It is advisable to do so. Otherwise, the residual hair can burn or cause skin damage. Also, shaving removes the hair from the surface. So, the laser treatment can penetrate the root well to complete the job.

Ensure you do not make these common mistakes while undergoing laser hair removal. Also, remember everybody and skin type reacts differently to laser treatment. So, it might take some time; do not stop the process unless your doctor suggests it. 


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