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Need Help Monitoring Your Inner Peace?

Inner peace is something that fluctuates throughout life. Regular life circumstances often throw a wrench in our calm spirits and shake up life in a way that leaves us wishing for more peace. In those times, it’s best to take a step back, and to acknowledge that your body and soul might need a little extra TLC. The Bellabeat health tracker devices will help you track where you are spiritually, mentally and emotionally, in an effort to help you get your mind where it needs to be.

What Is Bellabeat?

Bellabeat is a company that creates health tracking products geared towards women, to help them get and stay connected to their body and mind in different stages of life. The purpose? To empower and encourage women to take better care of their health, and to be informed with what’s going on within their bodies.

About the Leaf Urban Tracker

One of the most popular Bellabeat products is called the Leaf Urban Tracker, which is a health tracker that is able to predict stress based on lifestyle habits. It does this by monitoring activity, sleep, and reproductive health, and alerts you to oncoming stress as it guides you through breathing and meditative exercises. The Leaf itself has a simple yet elegant geometric modern design and is made from water resistant materials – wood composite and stainless steel. It comes in Silver, Rose Gold, Black Silver, Nature Rose Gold, and Nature Silver.

How It Helps Manage Inner Peace

Our physical health is so intricately connected with our mental and spiritual health, that it’s impossible to ignore one without affecting the other. Bellabeat’s main mission is to help women make themselves a priority by focusing on their own strengths, capabilities and beauties. They do this by developing products that help empower women to learn the science behind their bodies, thereby giving them the power to know the truth about their body and mind. You see, inner peace can be managed closely by keeping a close eye on physical health, and recognizing when a change might be necessary. For example, your Leaf Tracker may notify you that you’re not sleeping well, your period is coming, or that your exercise routine has suffered in the recent weeks.

Taking that information, women can then take a temperature on how they feel, and connect their physical lifestyle habits with that notion. Perhaps the next step for that woman would be to set a goal to walk a couple of miles 3 or 4 times that week, to get to bed earlier, or simply to take an “indulge day” where she can relax away some of that physical stress.

There’s no doubt about the face the Bellabeat is helping women manage their inner peace in a very practical way! Check out their products online today.



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