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Resurrecting Our Soul With Love

Love is not a secret to be kept; we’re going public with it, as public as a city on a hill, and now we put ourselves on the hilltop, on a light stand. SHINE! Keep an open house; be generous with your lives; open up to others; in doing so, you’ll prompt them to open up to love.

My heart and the heart of all living beings are the same- all created by the same divine source, entirely created through the same powerful energy, and all created with compassion and love. No matter what difficulties or disagreements we may have with someone, we should allow ourselves to look deeper to see their humanity, and then look even deeper and see ourselves and even deeper and feel the presence of divine love. Let this love help you see that we are totally connected and we are all one from the same divine source. We can disagree with someone and have a conflict of opinion, but never make the critical mistake of letting ourselves dehumanize anyone. When we permit ourselves to fall into that trap, we are making this person an other — other than us — separate. This is where division occurs and hate creeps in. We can be a light in this hurting world and offer a fresh way of thinking that would unify all humanity and all that is. Please don’t divide what was created to be one. Please don’t allow your higher self to dehumanize someone because you don’t agree with their beliefs. And please, please recognize that this force of love is right here, right now, by our side, like a friend reaching out his hand to help guide us through life. It will help us experience the beauty and humanity in every individual that crosses our path. Through love you will begin to see yourself in the eyes of your neighbor and the divinity within yourself.

We are only here on this earth in this body for a very short time. Please take that very seriously. Our work on this planet is deeply significant. Every spirit that crosses our path is a divine life meeting  arranged for a very definite reason. Walk this path open to give and receive, learn and teach, and most importantly love and forgive. Every individual we encounter on this journey is an opportunity to grow by the lessons that person offers us. Pay close attention, listen very carefully, and see the deeper meaning. You will learn your most profound life lessons from the most difficult people in your life. The most important and valuable advice I can offer you about life relationships and self-protection boundaries is this: The moment you sense someone is demanding you to prove your worth, manipulate the truth, or bullying and harassing you — that is the moment you absolutely and utterly WALK AWAY — bless it, forgive it, and walk away. Do not ever allow yourself to be pulled down into the swamp of someone else’s misery and darkness. Look to The light, focus on love, listen to the small still voice within yourself, and trust that this is the voice of divine truth.

This moment in time is the only place life is happening. Life is only happening right here — right now. Allow yourself to be present in the fullness of who you are. Everything you need is already within you. Everything you are is enough. Moment-by-moment you are a beautiful offering to the world filled with truth and love. Be fully present and offer your overflowing cup to the world. All that runneth over is your golden gift to the universe and all that fills the cup is pricelessly for  yourself.

Do not fall prey to letting others define you. Their view of you is based upon their own spiritual, emotional and physical condition, not yours. It is a waste of your precious energy to concern yourself with what others may or may not think about you. It is much more empowering to see yourself through God’s eyes. Through this love we will see ourselves as deeply and eternally accepted. You will receive a profound sense of peace when you find yourself in this loving gaze. Through the lens of love you will see your most authentic self based in truth.

It’s in your personal truth that a light shines so bright – in your truth you will never be afraid to stand in the darkness – for darkness is only an illusion – when you are filled with truth, you are overflowing with  light – this light has the power to dispel all darkness. Find your truth and let your light shine through you and into the world – for the world.

“So, let’s join hands together, to help our neighbors, our friends, and our families who need us most. For in the end, when we close our eyes in this world and the light of the next appears, our lives are measured quite simply by the lives we’ve saved along the way.”—Myster Blu


The Divine Truth Within


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