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Ruby Engagement Rings Offer a Modern, Fashionable Take on Traditional Rings

For, quite literally, centuries, people have relied on purchasing the same old diamond engagement rings with similar traditional cuts and styles. While there is undeniably a chicness and elegance to the traditional engagement ring, I think I speak for almost all fashionistas when I say… we’re over it. Traditional diamond engagement rings are, dare I say it…. boring! While they may be pretty, we’re living in a society that is ready to embrace maximalism, and that most definitely doesn’t include traditional diamond wedding rings.

You see, for the past two years, we’ve been stuck inside our homes just itching to get out. Now that we are able to re-emerge back out into the world (mostly, anyway), we want to show off. We’ve been hiding behind sweatpants and baggy t-shirts for so long that we are all ready to put on loud, colorful fashion choices and step into the limelight. So, instead of considering the traditional wedding ring styles of the past, I encourage you to look at ruby engagement rings instead. Here’s why:

They’re Fashionable

Nothing says fashion more than a colorful statement ring worn to accent your look. Perhaps my biggest concern with traditional wedding rings is that they are bland. I understand they are meant to go with everything, but the right statement ring can also go with any look while adding an extra flare to your outfit. And a ruby is perfect for that! The color red goes with almost every color across the spectrum, so you don’t have to worry about your ruby engagement ring clashing with any look you choose. At the same time, however, that pop of red from the ruby tells people that you know style and you’re here to make a statement. That little pop of color goes a long way to draw the slightest attention over to you, giving you a fashionable edge. And, more importantly, it’s a prime example of the maximalist fashion trend that is taking the world by storm right now.

They Hold a Powerful Message

When I go shopping for gemstone jewelry, I don’t want to wear just any old stone. I like to read about the symbolism and meanings behind the stones that I wear. If this sounds like you, then you’re in luck with rubies. Rubies symbolize beauty, wisdom, power, and protection- all important things to carry with you. In fact, in ancient times, people who wore rubies were thought of to hold many secrets, so someone wearing a ruby on their finger would naturally be thought of as mysterious. Rubies were also worn by nobles and royalty primarily, making it a symbol of wealth and power. It’s also a prime stone for protection, meaning that it is believed to protect the wearer from bad luck or ill wishes. All of these meanings give you a great reason to wear a ruby engagement ring over the traditional diamond.

They Help You Stand Out from the Crowd

Lastly, I don’t know about you, but I like to be different. I find that sometimes we find ourselves following strange societal traditions just because everyone else does. It’s one thing to really enjoy something or do something that you love- and everyone else happens to do it, too. It’s another thing to do something just because, “it’s always been done that way.” I feel that’s where we are with traditional diamond engagement rings. People give diamond rings because it’s a tradition. Well, I don’t know about you, but I’d rather wear a more colorful, vibrant stone than a traditional diamond! So, break the norm and try something new with a ruby engagement ring!

All in all, there are many reasons to ditch the standard diamonds and try wearing more colorful engagement rings. Whether it be for the sake of fashion, for the meaning behind the stone, or to break the tradition and do something more your style, I hope you’ll consider looking for your favorite stone, a ruby perhaps, in place of a diamond for your engagement ring.


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