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The 10 Most Popular New Year’s Resolutions and How to Actually Succeed at Them

Did you know 45% of the population makes New Year’s resolutions? Did you know only 8% of them are successful? If you’re part of the 45%, it’s time to make that success rate higher. If there’s something you really want to change about your life, we’re here to help with our best tips for succeeding at the top 10 New Year’s resolutions.

Exercise More/Lose Weight

Weight loss is a commitment and keeping it off is as well. To lose weight, you need to exercise, alternating weight training with cardio, 4-5 times a week. To maintain your goal weight, you need to exercise at least 3 times a week. The good thing is that you only need to factor in 5-10 hours a week to lose weight, 3-5 to keep it off. If you’re serious about making a change, create a schedule and treat your gym time as an appointment like you would with any business meeting or family matter. Remember, if you take better care of yourself, you’re better equipped to take care of others and you’ll be more alert at your job. Win win.

Kick a Back Habit

The most common habits people want to kick are smoking and drinking, because they are harmful to your health and to those around you. But if you’re looking to kick another habit, such as getting stressed too easily or not being organized, it just takes commitment. Find out what the most realistic solution is for you and go through with it. As time goes on and you hit certain milestones-one week, one month-reward yourself!

Learn Something New

Do you want to learn how to dance? Or learn how to speak French? Make the time for it in your schedule. Research shows that once you put money into something you’re a lot more likely to go through with the action. If that’s you, sign up for a 10-class pass so you are required to attend 10 classes. Or, sign up for a French course that lasts three months. However, if you feel that even if you spend money you’ll still avoid the situation, stick with at-home DVDs or free YouTube videos and see how you do. If all it takes is a friend to hold you accountable, have a friend join in on your resolution! If you don’t have a friend with your same interests, make new ones! Check out to make new friends in your area!

Eat Healthier

You can’t eat what you don’t have in front of you. If you’d like to change your eating habits, change what’s in your fridge and pantry! Again, a reward system works really well with this resolution so after each milestone, treat yourself with a yummy night out on the town or your favorite chocolate bar. By the way, dark chocolate is healthy so you don’t need to eliminate that altogether!

Travel More

Travel can be expensive but there are many ways around the expense. A lot of us don’t think we have the money for travel, and for international travel that may be true. But a lot of money can be saved by using alternate transportation, savings websites, credit card points, and planning in advance. Skip the last-minute romantic getaways and plan the exotic 10-day getaway 10 months in advance. You’ll spend the same amount of money and get an experience worth so much more than the money you spent. If money is still an issue, start stashing away however much you can afford per month. Eventually you’ll have something substantial and you’ll want to keep going until you finally have enough.
Bon voyage!

Volunteer/Help Out a Friend More

Are you looking for ways to give back to the community? Help out at a local shelter? Research shows that if you tell someone else about your plans that you’re more likely to go through with them. Try calling ahead to the charity of your choice and have them put your name down for the next event. You’ll treat it more like an appointment. After the event, you’ll feel so great doing it that you’ll want to volunteer again.

If you are looking for ways to help out a friend, try setting aside time to meet up more often. Whether it’s just to talk or to help them with a major project, because it’s with a friend you’ll have fun doing it so it won’t feel like a chore! Make a date with your friend and don’t miss it!

Save Money/Get Out of Debt

This can be a really tough resolution to keep.
You may start saving money but then you end up with a medical emergency and you start again at 0. While you can’t control that, you can control your extra spending. If you go out for drinks a lot, instead invite the ladies over for DIY cocktails every once in a while. If you go out to eat a lot, start cooking at home. Once you start seeing the savings pile up and your credit statements lowering, you’ll get the endorphins you need to keep going. Once they’re paid off, treat yourself to a SMALL gift as a congratulations.

Spend Time With Family

Do you find yourself at the office late because of lack of organization? Start prioritizing. If you’re simply just overloaded and can’t do anything about, start reserving your off days exclusively for family and don’t let work interrupt you on your cell phone. If you find that you never see your mother who lives across the country, plan to use a few of your vacation days to spend that time with her. She’ll be so happy you did and you will, too!

Change Your Job

Is your job unfulfilling and it makes you miserable,
but you’re too busy working to find a new job? We understand, but nothing will change unless you do something. Even if it’s just for a few minutes a day, research a few new job openings and apply to them on your lunch break or late at night. It may take a few hours of your time now, but you’ll be so much happier when you can tell your boss you’re off to pursue your dream job.

Enjoy Life More

Whatever that means to you, pencil it in and make it a priority. Just because it’s not “work” does not mean it’s not important for your happiness. YOU come first and it’s time you start making ourselves a priority. Spa weekend? DO IT. A splurge on front-row seats to your favorite band? DO IT. A week off from work in Maui. As long as you can afford it, DO IT. You work to live, not live to work. ENJOY YOUR LIFE!

Here at Viva Glam Magazine, we are here to help you procure a healthy
lifestyle. Whether or not you follow through with, or even have, a New Year’s resolution, we’re here to help you get the lifestyle you want and keep you entertained along the way. Here’s to joining us on a fun and glamorous journey in 2016!


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