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The Best Vacation Destination for Your Zodiac Sign

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While we’re all stuck in isolation, let’s dream of better times: when we can vacation again! Hopefully, the end of 2020 will be prime vacation time with rates dropping after this hold on almost all travel. So, let’s dream away and begin planning the ultimate vacation to take once we are free to plan our 2020 travels.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

Those born Aquarius are unique and carefree individuals who do not conform to societal norms. So, your trip should be as unique as you are. Maybe think of taking a trip to the remote areas of Mexico not visited by most- such as Las Pozas or Grutas Tolantongo. They are truly beautiful locations without a lot of attention from international tourists. You will definitely not regret a visit to either of those gorgeous places. I definitely didn’t!

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Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Those born Pisces are very likeable due to their sensible, compassionate, and easy-going attitudes. So, your vacation should be as compassionate as you are. Think about volunteering! Organizations such as Earthwatch accept volunteers to help on scientific expeditions. Pisces, volunteering while traveling just might be the perfect vacation for you!  

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Those born Aries are born in a fire sign, so they are born passionate, motivated, and determined. Needless to say, especially in 2020, it’s time to get a real adventure on. Think about taking an African Safari! You are fearless, and your vacation should be, too.

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