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The Men’s Outerwear Trends that Will Dominate in 2021-2022

It’s hard to believe it, but winter is already upon us. With the cooler weather sneaking in on us, it’s important to re-evaluate our winterwear, especially our outerwear. As the season trends change up and surprise us annually, it’s important to check in and reflect on what’s in this year, what’s out, and the top men’s outerwear trends that will dominate in 2021-2022.


As is consistent with any winter styling, layering is in this year and will continue to be for the foreseeable future. So, think about grabbing a long-sleeved t-shirt and pairing it with a sweater, a vest (sweater vests are more than in this year), or a thermal coverup. Then, layer your look with a trendy piece of outerwear, whether that be a jacket or a vest jacket. Remember, layering is important for winter styling, as it allows you to perpetually stay comfortable. Layering ensures that you will be just warm enough, but if you happen to get too warm, you can easily remove your layers and get cooler with ease. So, when styling your looks this winter, be sure to add layering into the mix.

Shapes & Styles

This year, there are a plethora of shapes and styles that are in! Puffer jackets are the hottest commodity of winter 2021-2022, so think about grabbing a puffer jacket. Puffer vests are also a piece every man should add to his collection. And if you get too warm, there are styles of puffer jackets that allow you to take the sleeves off via a zipper to turn the jacket into a vest. So, if you’re looking for a puffer jacket, a convertible one as mentioned above would easily be my recommendation for you. As far as other materials that are in style for men’s outerwear this year, denim, polyester, and, interestingly enough, tweed jackets are in this year! As far as styles and cuts, think about getting a long peacoat or a shorter, traditional jacket cut. Luckily, most jacket lengths stay in style, as different regions call for different jacket lengths due to the weather patterns.


As far as colors are concerned, browns, greens, plaids, blacks and tans are in! And, as has been relevant for all of 2021, neon shades are also still super trendy.  You’re really safe with most colors of outerwear, so choose the color that fits best for you. If you are looking for a piece to last the test of time, however, think about plainer, more traditional colors so they will stay in trend throughout the years to come.


Techwear flew to the top of fashion charts in recent years, and it’s only growing more and more popular. What is techwear? Well, “techwear” or “technical wear” is a style of urban fashion that features high-quality fabrics, technical detailing, and strong quality. Techwear can take on the elements in any environment with ease. If you haven’t heard of techwear before, it’s likely that you have heard of either the brands “The North Face” or “Patagonia”. Both brands create techwear products. You’ve likely run into their techwear products but just didn’t know it. We highly recommend that if you haven’t, you jump in on the techwear trend, as it’s definitely in style and won’t be going anywhere anytime soon. So, think about it and plan to buy techwear clothing here. It’s a great gift for the holiday or just a great gift to give yourself.

All in all, the trends of men’s outerwear generally change from year to year. But the above styles and features are pretty evergreen, so it’s safe to purchase a coat that will last the test of time when you follow the guidelines above. Stay warm this winter and be sure to stay stylish while you’re at it!


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