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The Rise of True Crime Podcasts: Why Are They So Popular?

Over time, true crime podcasts have turned out to be a favorite among the vast majority of the listeners in the community. It captivates the audience with tales of mystery, murder, and mayhem. There are practically millions of listeners who have tuned in to listen to recent stories of true crime. But what is this about true crime that has captured our attention and made it a popular genre in podcasting?

If we are to speak statistics, crime podcast listeners are quite a few in number. Let us take a look at why true crime audio podcasts have been a favorite for many.

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The Psychology Of True Crime

One of the vital reasons behind the popularity of true crime podcasts over many audiobooks is our innate fascination for the dark side of human psychology. From the historical Greek tragedies to modern-day horror movies, we humans have always been accustomed to stories of tragedies, death, and violence. The stories of true crime offer a glimpse into the criminal minds and the driving factors behind the heinous acts. It allows us to explore the psychology of crime and attempt to understand the things that drive people to do such acts.

According to many criminologists, the fascination of true crime is deeply rooted in our need to make sense of the world surrounding us. True crime stories give us a way to face the anxieties and fears we have about the world. It allows us to understand the motivations of those who commit those violent crimes. It won’t be an exaggeration to state that true crime can be taken as a form of therapy for a few individuals.

Reasons Why The True Crime Genre Is So Popular

The experts define true crime as content about violent and non-fictional events that have certain characteristics that make it famous as entertainment. It is a no-brainer why true crime is a famous genre among podcasts and audio stories. Here are some of the reasons behind its popularity:

  • Viewers relish the element of mystery. Movies and podcasts that are centered around mystery have always proven to be popular. However, true crime gives the audience members the opportunity to invest in a real mystery unfolding in front of them.
  • The majority of the folks enjoy listening or watching a case get solved while feeling like they have participated in it from the comfort of their home.
  • Studies of true crime have found that women are particularly keen on these genres when it comes to listening to podcasts. The hypothesis is that women, in particular, have anxiety about potential threats. They often turn to true crime to feel better prepared if something bad was to happen to them.

Wrapping Up

To sum it up, the rise of true crime podcasts may be attributed to a variety of factors. From the fascination with the darker side of human nature to the narrative-driven format for the stories, there are countless reasons why true crime is a popular genre among the community of podcast listeners.



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