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Trying to Quit Vaping? Here’s How to Make It Easier

In a study published in the Drugs, Habits, and Social Policy journal, researchers found that the prevalence of e-cigarette smoking or vaping has increased globally, noting that as of 2021, around 82 million people around the world vape. This is in spite of the health risks associated with vaping, the most common of which is known as popcorn lung. As we covered in a previous Viva Glam article, popcorn lung is also known as bronchiolitis obliteration and happens when a chemical triggers inflammation in the lungs.

As the allure of vaping continues to captivate users, the journey to breaking free from this habit can seem daunting. However, armed with knowledge and strategic approaches, making the transition away from vaping can become a manageable and ultimately rewarding endeavor. Here are a few useful tips you can adopt to make quitting vaping easier. 

Find healthier ways to destress

Similar to smoking, individuals typically reach for their vape during times of high stress. Yet, research shows that vaping can actually increase anxiety symptoms and stress levels. This leads to a vicious cycle of cravings. Interestingly, quitting vaping has been linked to lower levels of stress, anxiety, and depression, as well as improved positive mood and quality of life. To break the cycle of stress-related vaping, find healthier ways of coping with stress. This can come in the form of breathwork, meditation, or exercise, all of which also have a positive effect on alleviating the urge to vape. 

Consider using smokeless alternatives

Once you quit vaping, the nicotine levels in your bloodstream drop, causing unpleasant feelings, physical symptoms, and a strong desire to vape. Smokeless alternatives such as nicotine pouches can help you break free from vaping habits as they deliver nicotine to your system without having to inhale a cocktail of toxic chemicals present in e-liquids. Moreover, the range of flavors available is comparable to that of vapes, making pouches an ideal tool for vaping cessation. VELO nicotine pouches, in particular, have flavors like mint, citrus, cinnamon, and coffee, which can make the transition to quitting vaping easier. Meanwhile, the different strengths, from 2mg to 7mg, can help you gradually decrease your intake until you can wean off nicotine completely. 

Try nicotine replacement therapy

Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) presents a scientifically backed approach for individuals aiming to quit vaping, facilitating cessation by delivering a controlled dose of nicotine to users. NRTs come in many forms, such as patches, lozenges, and gum. One NRT that was recently approved by the FDA is Blip nicotine lozenges, which reduces withdrawal symptoms, including nicotine craving, associated with quitting smoking or vaping. Blip lozenges are available in mint and come in 2 mg and 4 mg doses. The brand also carries a nicotine gum that’s available in fruit freeze and mint freeze flavors in the same strengths. The difference between the two NRTs is that lozenges are simply dissolved in the mouth, while the gum version requires chewing for nicotine to be absorbed. 

Download a vaping cessation app

While nicotine pouches, lozenges, and gum are useful for aiding cessation by addressing the physical aspects of quitting, digital tools help you quit by addressing behavioral aspects. The vaping cessation app Quit Genius, for instance, combines digital cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) with human-delivered coaching to improve outcomes for vape use and dependence. According to Quit Genius’ vice president of clinical affairs, almost 50% of the participants were reportedly able to abstain from vaping for at least seven days using the app. 

By embracing a combination of strategies, from using evidence-based quit apps to exploring smokeless alternatives, individuals can empower themselves to overcome the challenges of vaping cessation. Remember, change doesn’t happen overnight; each step taken towards a vape-free life, no matter how small, is a significant achievement worth celebrating. 

Contributed by Rebecca Morgan

Rebecca Morgan is a freelance writer with almost a decade’s worth of experience in lifestyle writing. She focuses on topics like health, fitness, and fashion. When not writing, you can find her hiking or attending a yoga class.


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