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Weed Enthusiasts: 6 Things You Can Get Them As A Christmas Gift

Christmas is coming up and you’ve got to get your friend something. It’s not easy to find the perfect gift for someone who is passionate about marijuana. But don’t worry, we’re here to help! This list of these gifts will be sure to please any weed enthusiast on your shopping list this year. Whether they’re big marijuana lovers or not, these gifts are sure to make them happy this Christmas. Read this article to find out more!

A Grinder

Every marijuana consumer needs a grinder. Grinders are usually about the size of a flask and have two parts, the top half with little teeth for breaking up weeds and the bottom half where your ground weed collects. This is probably one of the easiest gifts to get to anyone who smokes marijuana because grinders can be found just about anywhere where smoking accessories are sold. If you’re looking for the best cannabis grinder, choose materials that are high in durability and won’t be affected by heat. Your friend is sure to love this gift because it is practical and they probably don’t already have one.

A Bong

Let’s be honest, every weed-enthusiast should own a bong. Bongs are the epitome of the marijuana experience and smoking from one is an amazing feeling. This gift is sure to please any marijuana lover on your list because it’s practical and they probably don’t have one. If you’re looking for a bong but don’t have a lot to spend in one, online stores are the best places to find good quality, yet inexpensive bongs. You can even go a step further and make them a customized bong. For example, if they have a friend who is an artist or crafty, you can ask them to paint their friend’s bong and give it as a gift. That would really make any weed enthusiast smile. The full experience of smoking from a bong is what makes it the perfect gift for weed enthusiasts. 

A Carrying Case

If your weed enthusiast goes on any trips, you should definitely get them a carrying case. A carrying case is a great gift because it is practical and makes your smoking experience easier. If you’re struggling to find what kind of carrying case to get them, ask yourself if your weed enthusiast is typically outdoors or indoors when smoking? Depending on the answer you will get for what kind of carrying case will be best. If they’re outdoors, a carrying case that is durable and waterproof would be perfect but if they’re an indoor smoker then you should go with a classy carrying case so it will match their style. No matter what kind of carrying case you get them, your weed enthusiast will love this gift because it’s a nice gift that’s practical at the same time.

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Rolling Papers With Flavors

There’s no smoking without rolling papers and this is another practical gift you can get for a weed enthusiast. There are lots of flavored rolling paper brands available, so find which one your friend would like best. Almost every flavor imaginable is there – strawberry, grape, vanilla, cotton candy (eugh), and even spicier varieties such as ghost pepper! Sometimes it can be difficult to find exactly what flavor you’re looking for, but online stores such as Amazon or eBay will definitely have it. Think about whether your friend likes fruity scents or appreciates pranks more so you can take the pepper-flavored ones. Once you know what kind of flavors they love, go for it! They will love this gift because, unlike other cannabis accessories, your weed enthusiast can use them without hesitation with anyone.

Silicone Candy Mold

If your friend is not a fan of smoking but rather enjoys eating their cannabis, then you have to get them a gift that’ll help them. A silicone candy mold will be perfect for your weed friend because they can use it to make delicious treats with marijuana inside! This gift is not only practical but also unique so the person receiving it will definitely love it. 

An Air Purifier

This one might be helpful if your friend still lives with their parents. A lot of smokers are looking for something to help remove that “weed smell” from their homes and an air purifier is a perfect solution. Buy one that is specifically for removing weed odors or if it is the only thing you can find, write a note with the gift saying what it’s actually supposed to be used for. Weed enthusiasts will love this because it has multi-functional uses that are helpful, they’ll never have to worry about leaving their stench by accident again!

If you’ve got a weed enthusiast on your list, it might seem like an impossible task to find them a perfect gift for Christmas. But don’t worry! This list will help you out so that none of the weed enthusiasts on your list will feel left out. There’s something for everyone!


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