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What Are The Possible Side Effects Of Dermal Fillers?

Dermal fillers are a popular treatment for those looking to improve their appearance. While dermal fillers can have some great effects, there is always the possibility of dermal filler side effects. The most common dermal filler treatments include derma-fillers in cheeks, lips, and derma-fillers in wrinkles. Here’s what you need to know about possible dermal filler side effects!

What are Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers are synthetic, semisynthetic, and natural substances that are injected deep below the skin’s surface to restore a more youthful-looking appearance to a face. Dermal fillers consist of powders, liquids or silicone-based gels that contain collagen (the primary protein in connective tissue) and other ingredients which have been found to make the areas around lips fuller. Plastic surgeons inject these dermal fillers through a relatively painless needle inserted just under the surface of your skin into fatty tissue called subcutaneous fat. These injections can instantly smooth wrinkles and folds on your cheeks, chin or forehead that appear with age. The injections may last for 6 months or longer depending on the type used.

Why do people need to know about the possible side effects of Dermal Fillers

 Like any procedure, there are side effects that may be associated with injecting dermal fillers. Your doctor should go through the list of possible side effects so you’re already aware ahead of time in order to make your decision to receive this treatment. It’s really important to look for warning signs related to post inflammatory hyperpigmentation (dark brown patches) or local infection within two weeks of getting the injection.

Possible Side Effects Of Dermal Fillers 

Upon injection, dermal fillers (specifically hyaluronic acid) can cause localized swelling, redness, and bruising. As these effects tend to subside relatively quickly as the substance is absorbed by the body, it is thought that this side effect has no lasting repercussions. However, there have been cases of allergic reactions which range from redness and pain at the injection site to generalized welts all over the body. The latter can be fatal if left untreated or improperly treated with anaphylaxis medications.

Dermal fillers can alter the shape of your facial features, which is why it’s not recommended to use them on your cheeks. One overreaction could change the shape of your cheekbones for life. Go for a consultation with a dermatologist before you do anything permanent.

Adverse side effects can also include sensory loss, pain, and cysts in the muscles of the face. Most patients do not experience these complications at all or they may experience temporary redness or a bruise lasting minutes or hours. 

How To Avoid The Side Effects Of Dermal Fillers

There is no way to avoid side effects with dermal fillers entirely. However, following these steps will decrease the likelihood of experiencing side effects. 

The most important thing is to do a patch test and procedure with a practitioner that has extensive experience. They will be able to best adapt your treatment plan for you accordingly, rather than giving you an all-encompassing rule sheet.

It’s important that you thoroughly clean your skin prior to the treatment, as dirt and debris can increase discomfort or infection post-treatment. 

Lastly, don’t be afraid to use ice packs. They can decrease the inflammation and pain associated with dermal fillers.

Find Out More About The Potential Side Effects Of Dermal Fillers

The side effects of dermal fillers can be caused by many factors. Different types and concentrations of fillers, injection techniques, and amounts injected are a few examples. Below is a list of the most common side effects that will often appear in patients due to these different factors:

1) 1-2 weeks after treatment, vasodilation 

2) Discomfort or pain at the injection point 

3) Flushing around the injection point 

4) Sensitivity – may feel sore to touch 

5) Bruising at the injection area 3-7 days following treatment (may last 2 weeks or more depending on individual’s healing properties) 

6) Swelling from preprocedural meds which may last up to a week or more.

If any redness persists for more than 2-3 days following treatment, see a medical professional. If you have extremely increased sensitivity to touch, bruising and swelling in the applied area, excessive bleeding, or other unusual symptoms of an allergic reaction consult a medical professional immediately.


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