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A 4-Day Work Week Has Been Discussed for Quite Some Time. Is there Any Chance We’ll See It in the US Soon?

Our perspective on work has changed significantly in the past three years. We have learned that it is possible to work from home. And not only that, but most of us actually prefer that type of work. We feel less anxious, we aren’t distracted by our coworkers, and we also don’t have to waste any time commuting to and from our workplace. But working from home isn’t the only change that the workforce has seen. A lot of global companies are now also considering the possibility of a 4-day work week. But is there any chance that we’ll see it in the US anytime soon? 

The 4-day workweek 

Wouldn’t it be ideal? Being able to rest for three days, and work for the remaining four. It would be so much easier to plan weekend getaways and get together with our friends and family. But also to simply have some time for ourselves. It just seems like the ideal balance. But how realistic is that really? Especially in the United States, where hustle culture seems to be all the rage. 

As I’ve already explained, it was the pandemic that caused a lot of companies to ask themselves if the conventional 8-hour office workday really is the best way to go. Small adjustments, such as the opportunity for remote work, and reducing work hours are not only increasing the satisfaction of the employees but also avoiding the possibility of burnout. More and more companies are realizing that putting the well-being of their workers first increases their productivity, and their desire to get their job done in the best way possible. 

A few companies that tested out the 4-day workweek system reported that they had noticed a dramatic decrease in the stress levels of their workers. They were less likely to experience burnout, and it also improved their work-life balance. Reduced levels of stress also improved the overall health of the employees. That has then lowered the number of sick days that were taken. In addition to that, the prolonged weekend also reduced the number of acquired personal days and absenteeism.

Will we see it in the US soon?

There is actually a realistic chance that we will! Some experts even claim that a 4-day work week could be considered mainstream by the end of 2023. 4DWG will be launching new pilot programs all around the world, and the conversation is happening at a much greater speed than most of us probably assume. There are still some issues to work out, like scheduling problems, and compressed hours. 

The trials that were conducted in 2022 are pretty promising as well. 93% of the companies that took part in the experiment said that they weren’t opposed to the idea of a 4-day work week. There are so many benefits. Either to stay competitive in terms of acquiring talented workers, or to improve the health of their employees. Everyone could benefit from a 4-day work week, and we think that it’s time to finally make this the norm in most companies.


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