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DIY Recipes to Make your Hair Grow Naturally

Try as we might, sometimes we just can’t seem to make our hair grow more than a centimeter over the course of a year. Unless you’re naturally blessed with long, thick, and healthy hair, the struggle can be so real. Everyone tells you to trim it regularly, don’t style it, or just eat healthily; well nothing seems to work!

Getting your hair to grow can be near impossible. You can try all the overly-advertised Instagram gummy bears you want, but nothing seems to really work with the rare exception of some natural remedies. As with skin care, our hair seems to respond best to natural ingredients and DIY recipes. Simple concoctions can bring about visible change. We’ve noticed this to be especially true in the case of hair growth. Here are some of our favorite DIY recipes to give you some extra inches!


When trying to make your hair grow, the recipes you use are all going to work a hundred times better if you apply them the right way. For hair growth, you’re trying to tackle the roots of your hair.

Hair growth is much more effective when massaging your scalp. Whichever of these recipes you choose to use, it’s important that you apply them with your fingertips and really rub them into your scalp. This method is going to further stimulate your hair roots and help out with the efficacy!

Egg and Olive Oil

These two ingredients have always been used individually to help your hair grow. Egg whites are known to help with hair growth. Mixing them with olive oil (which we all know is a cure-all) can help stimulate hair growth.

Using this mask once weekly and thoroughly massaging it into your scalp can give you noticeable results within a couple of weeks. Massage it in and then let it rest like a hair mask for about 20 minutes. The olive oil will also generally repair your hair and keep it strong and healthy on top of helping it grow.

Rosemary Oil

We’ve talked about this hair-growth miracle ingredient before on VIVA GLAM, and we still aren’t over it! Rosemary oil is actually an ingredient that can be found in many hair growth products on the market.

We won’t get into the science of it all, but rosemary oil basically works to stimulate your hair follicles. We find that the best way to use it is to dilute it with another oil that offers hair benefits. Our favorite has to be a mixture of rosemary and coconut oil. The duo work to deeply hydrate your hair and keep it soft and silky while stimulating growth!

Onion & Avocado

Now, this one might not smell the most pleasant, but the results are worth it. Hair follicles respond really quickly to strong cooling ingredients, that is why onion juice has always been a great hair-growth ingredient.

It may stink, but honestly, you’ll instantly feel this stimulating your roots as you apply it. We choose to mix it with avocado to dilute the scent and to also get the benefits of avocado. Avocado is known to be a nourishing hair ingredient, it really deeply repairs it to leave it healthier and smoother than ever!


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Photo Deja Jordan

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