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Do I Want Beach Curls or Pin Curls?

More and more women are opting for curly hair because of the various perks it provides. For instance, it adds volume to your flat and lifeless hair. But, what kind of curl should you choose? Two of today’s most popular curls are beach curls and pin curls. Both can provide different advantages. So, what are the differences between beach curls and pin curls?

Beach Curls

Beach curls are loose waves that help you look like you just came out of the sea. A lot of people opt for this type of curl because it’s simple and messy in a good way.

You can wear beach curls for various occasions, especially casual events. Aside from that, it also works well with a variety of hairstyles, from short bob to long tresses. Also, it flatters all face shapes, so it can be worn by all women. Best of all, it will make you look chic in an effortless way, whether you’re wearing a pair of high-waisted jeans or a flowy maxi dress.

Pin Curls

Pin curls are from a vintage hairstyle that was first introduced during the 1930s. Today, this type of curl is still popular for various reasons. For one, there’s no risk of damaging your hair with heat because you won’t use a curling iron. Aside from that, this type of curl is also easy to do. You just need to use bobby pins to secure the curls. Lastly, it is ideal for short hairstyles.

One of the main differences between beach curls and pin curls is the appearance. Beach curls result in loose curls, while pin curls result in a natural-looking curl with more volume.

Final Verdict

As you can see, there are several differences between beach curls and pin curls. So, which one should you pick? The answer to this question will vary depending on various factors. For example, beach curls are a bit messy. As such, this look is great for informal occasions. Pin curls, on the other hand, are best for formal events.

Aside from that, pin curls are ideal for short hairstyles. Meanwhile, beach curls are great for various hair lengths, whether short or long. Plus, beach curls flatter all face shapes, so they will look great on every woman. However, you need to use some styling tools to create beach curls, which can damage your strands.

All in all, wearing beach curls is the go-to hairstyle for most women. Even so, pin curls are also a great option, especially if you want a polished vintage look for a formal event. Either way, both types of curls will surely add life and bounce to your lifeless hair.


Sexy Beach Waves Hair Style


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