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The Color Sweep Is 2021’s Hottest Balayage Hair Trend to Try Now

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Balayage hair stands as one of the most mesmerizing and low-maintenance dye jobs that anyone can pull off. Whether you want to brighten or darken your hair, with this technique, you can get the desired effect without switching hues. If you’re searching for a chic way to update your hair, color sweep balayage is a perfect choice. Insta cool girls have taken on this trend and we decided to bring you all their best color sweep hairstyles. Stick around to discover the best balayage dye jobs for this spring and how you can adopt them in your style!

the color sweep is 2021’s hottest balayage hair trend
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Photo By @twists.witney/Instagram

Brighten your brunette hair with glossy blonde ends for a contrasted look. This color sweep balayage is super easy to maintain and even easier to recreate. Opt for this look to give your strands a catchy update.

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