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My Quarantine Health Journey Continues

How I continue to stay in shape in quarantine while gyms are closed

As my quarantine continues, I’m determined to stay fit and healthy. I don’t want to fall into the trap of sitting around and gaining weight since I am not able to go to the gym at this time. I want to eat right, take care of myself, and focus on my overall health. Because of this, I have been focused on eating the right plant-based meals, and I went in for a truSculpt session to help solidify the results.

Plant-Based Protein

As I personally believe that a plant-based diet is the healthiest diet and the lightest to digest, I continue to make my protein shakes. The Plant Era Organic Flavored Protein Shakes are still my absolute favorite. But because the summer is over, I am craving more chocolate flavors. In the cooler weather, I crave dark chocolate because it brings more of a cozy feeling. So, I swap the vanilla for chocolate. This protein powder is my favorite because one serving contains 50% of my daily value of B12. Being a vegan, this makes my life much easier. One of these shakes is the perfect way to start my day.

Necessary Salts

Then, for lunch, I usually make a nice salad. To top it off, I swap my regular salt for North Sea Salt Works Fjaera Sea Belt Seaweed Salt as it has incredible benefits. I have never liked seaweed (until now) but as a vegan, I need omega 3. But this is something you only really find a lot of in fish. Fish have it because they eat sea plants like seaweed. So, this Seaweed Salt is delicious and offers just the right flavor on top of a salad. And it gives me my much-needed omega 3s. Currently, this is only offered in Norway, but it is coming to the US soon.

Healthy Snacks

Since I can’t eat big meal portions while staying home and not being as active, I replaced some of my daily meals for protein bars, which normally I wouldn’t eat because I don’t like how they are sticky and tough. However, I found an amazing plant protein bar called Mezcla. Mezcla bars are gluten free, do not contain GMOs, and are 100% vegan. I absolutely love the Japanese Macha Vanilla flavor. These bars are light, thin, and crispy which make them easy to break down. One thing I learned in life is that if the food you are eating is heavy in your hand, it’s going to be heavy to digest, too. When you grab this bar, it feels really light in your hand, and that already tells me that it’s going to be easy to digest. This is definitely my favorite vegan protein bar that I have on hand. And once we travel, I’ll add it in my purse essentials.


Finally, to help solidify my healthy choices, I stopped by Dr. Avi Ishaaya’s office in Los Angeles to receive a truSculpt iD session. This quick and easy procedure is non-invasive, takes only 15 minutes, and gives you no downtime. Over the course of 10 weeks following a truSculpt iD session, you can lose up to 24% of your body fat in as little as one treatment. If you’re looking for a non-intrusive way to lose bodyfat, definitely think about giving this a try.


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Photo Deja Jordan

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