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Smart Ways to Stay Physically Fit at Home (No Equipment Needed)

Going to the gym is all well and good, but for a lot of people this is either impractical, unaffordable or simply an experience that they find too intimidating.

If you fall into any one of these categories, then the good news is that you can keep yourself in shape without leaving the comfort of your own home. And if your budget is tight or you do not have the space to spare for hefty home workout equipment, here are a few ways to enhance your fitness and reach your goals simply and successfully.

Adjust your diet & embrace supplements

What you eat is just as important as how much you workout when it comes to hitting your targets, whether you want to burn fat or build muscle.

Most importantly, you need to make sure that your diet is sustainable, because if you cannot stick with it in the long term, then any short term benefits you see will eventually evaporate.

As well as making meal plans that are tailored to what you want to achieve, you can consider using supplements to plug any gaps in your nutritional intake. For example, you might consider supplements containing creatine nitrate if you want to boost your performance and generate muscle mass quicker.

So what does creatine nitrate do? In short it helps your cells burn energy more efficiently, which not only gives you more explosive power, but also gives you a better pump from an aesthetic perspective.

Choose workouts that use your bodyweight to build strength

Real athletes know that while having access to gym equipment is nice, you can still get a lot out of workouts that rely on nothing but the weight of your own body to get your blood pumping.

Press-ups, sit-ups, squats and burpees are all great examples of exercises that can be done with minimal floor space and can deliver excellent results with no added gear.

Also remember that you should not dive into the deep end and overextend yourself as you begin your home fitness regimen. Instead, plot in two or three workouts a week lasting 20 to 30 minutes apiece so that you can gradually increase your stamina, and extend the length and frequency of your sessions over time to get results without burning yourself out.

Don’t forget about cardio

While it is relatively straightforward to strengthen your body with resistance training exercises at home, you cannot afford to focus solely on this if you want to improve your all-round fitness levels. And of course you might think that cardio workouts are tricky to do if you do not have an exercise bike or a treadmill.

Thankfully there are some basic, equipment-free things you can do in this context. If you have stairs in your house, or you live in an apartment building with a stairwell, running up and down these will give you a great dose of cardio in a short space of time.

Likewise household chores can be seen as a form of exercise, especially if you perform them vigorously and do them more regularly, so cleaning your home can become a workout opportunity as well!

Keep things interesting

Lastly, consider that if your home workout routines become dull, you will probably be more likely to skip them and eventually drop them altogether.

To stay motivated, mix things up and try out different exercises and routines rather than sticking to the same old thing.

Also if you have someone else in your household who is also hoping to stay in shape at home, working out together can be a great way to remain engaged and encouraged.


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