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The Hair, Make-up, and Beauty Trends to See You Through Summer

Summer is (finally) here, and who’d have thought it would come so soon? During the warmer months, we love to be outside. Whether for sunbathing, bike rides, or drinks with friends, the cozy PJ’s come off, and our glam comes out.

Festivals, BBQs, and pool parties mean we want to feel good about ourselves, look gorgeous, and feel comfortable in our skin. We’ve selected some of the latest beauty products and hacks that won’t just benefit you, but your purse and the planet, too!

Biodegradable Glitter

There’s something about glitter that is just so lovable. Like moths to a flame, we go crazy for glitter. Let’s face it, it can liven up any outfit, and everyone looks cute with a bit of glitter.

Unfortunately, regular craft glitter is not suitable for the environment as it contains bits of plastic that don’t biodegrade. Most of it gets washed down the drain, meaning marine animals have to suffer the stuff. Biodegradable glitter means we can still be as glitzy as possible at festivals without damaging our environment.

Fake Tan Brow Tint

So, it turns out some of the people who live in the Tik Tok house have been life hacking their way through 2020. This is one of their genius ideas.

It’s two of your beauty regimes in one, for half the price. It works perfectly as well if you can’t get to the salon for an eyebrow tint. The best way to do this is dab a bit of fake tan – mousses and instant work best! – on your eyebrows and brush through with a mini angled comb.

Wax Beads

As a woman, you will have observed the tonnes of hair removal trends that have made it to shelves throughout the years. Well, make way for wax beads, potentially one of the most unusual ones yet.

These are little beads that you apply to the skin, just as you would with a removal cream. Wax beads are hypoallergenic, gentle to the skin and will leave you with an incredibly fresh and hairless finish. Not to mention they smell great too. We’re done with hair removal products that smell like a rotten egg!

Waterless Hair Care

You’ve heard of dry shampoo. However, the new wave of waterless hair care products has put the old humble dry shampoo to shame.

With the need to preserve our planet’s resources and help work with the challenges we face from climate change, waterless haircare seems to be one of the best ways forward. Not only is it genius for saving water, but great for those days, you need your time for more valuable things!

Microbiome Skin Care

You’re likely to have heard about your guts microbiome since the surge of awareness about gut health. Microbiomes are everywhere in and on you, including your skin. It relates to the bacteria and viruses on your skin.

Microbiome skincare works well with these and to re-balance bacteria and pH. As our environment gets saturated with unnatural elements, our skin bacteria is probably more out of whack than ever. This kind of skincare harmonizes with your skin, is more sensitive, and doesn’t disrupt micro-flora.

Slow Beauty

We are all being aware of the negative impact fast fashion has on the planet, alongside some other dark truths. This is also the case for beauty products. We are in an age where buying less and buying smarter is the most ‘trendy‘ and essential thing to do.


One of the best things you can do is to learn to love yourself! (Bet you didn’t see that one coming). Moderation is essential, and don’t be excessively harsh on yourself, hair, or body. These beauty hacks should help you feel like the gorgeous goddess you are and encourage self-love.


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