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The Importance of Using a Multi-Channel Communication Strategy in the Fashion Industry

In today’s digital world, consumers use several types of channels to do their shopping and research products and brands. If you aren’t also using several channels to connect with consumers and bring awareness to your products, then you are leaving money on the table in the form of missed customers. 

Fashion tends to be a very advanced industry, with customers who want a convenient shopping experience where it’s easy to get the information they need. They also tend to make more snap decisions, and if your brand isn’t front and center in their minds, then they will choose your competition. Having a multi-channel communication strategy for your marketing is vital, and here is why. 

What is Multi-channel Marketing? 

Before you can implement the strategy, you need to know what multi-channel marketing is. It is the use of several different channels, including offline, to connect with prospects and bring awareness to your brand. A common strategy might include social media, SEO, SMS texting, direct emails, television ads, and radio ads. The best strategies have some synergy between the channels as well. For example, a television ad could have a QR code that leads to your website, or a billboard could have your Twitter and Facebook tags for shoppers to look you up as they drive to the mall. 

How Does This Approach Help? 

There are several benefits that you can get from initiating a multi-channel marketing strategy. 

For one, you can enjoy better brand awareness. More people will be exposed to your brand because you are showing up in more places on a regular basis. If consumers don’t know anything about your brand, they won’t buy from you. However, if you are showing up where they are consuming media, then when they pass your store or your products, they will immediately recognize them. 

This is also what is known as brand reinforcement. The more a customer is exposed to your brand, the more it will be cemented in their mind. Not only that, but if you are consistent, then the personality and values of your brand will also be reinforced. Having multiple ways for prospects to connect with your brand also gives you more opportunities to collect valuable data. You can not only determine what methods are working best, but also collect customer habits and insights that can be used for future marketing. The fact is that surveys have shown that up to 73% of shoppers are using multiple channels.

What Types of Channels Can You Use? 

There are several channels to use, and many that you probably haven’t thought of. Social media and broadcast marketing are well-known, and can play important parts of any marketing strategy. However, there are powerful channels that aren’t as widely used that can bring you big rewards. 

For instance, it’s never been easier to publish a book. You can put out an informative how-to book that’s related to your products and services. If it’s an ebook, then you can include links to your website and content inside the book. 

Live streams are a way to highlight the real people behind your brand and connect with your customers. They can ask questions, make comments, and see what the behind the scenes of your business is like. 

One of the best tools you can use for your marketing is SMS integration. This involves sending out targeted text messages to your contact list that have marketing content or links to your website. The best thing about text messages is that we are conditioned to reach for our phones almost immediately when we get notifications. This means that you can be sure that your audience will see your messages at a much higher rate than other marketing methods, such as email. 

Multi-Channel and Fashion Marketing

Fashion is a fast-moving industry where changes can happen very quickly. What is hot one season is old news the next. Fashion shoppers can be fickle as well. They are looking for fun trends and great new looks at all times. By using a multi-channel strategy, you will keep your brand in front of the people who are already predisposed to purchase your products. Plus, you will stay in their minds when they are looking for places to buy their new styles. Keeping yourself relevant and reinforcing your brand is how you can find success with a fashion business. 


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