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Understanding the Psychological Appeal of Play-from-Home Sweepstakes

Sweepstakes casinos is a popular new addition to the gambling environment.  Accessibility is a dream and playing for free makes these sites a dream and ads to their charm.

Even since the chances of a win are so low, people still enthusiastically participate for a variety of other reasons.  Gaining the opportunity to access more and more different games has some advantages.  Noting the above, that does in turn increase the odds to a win by a smidgen.

And let’s not even forget the fact that it comes at no cost to the player!

Human Attraction to Chance and Uncertainty

Gambling has been prevalent for many years.  Games differed, but the premise stayed the same, you bet something and then take a gamble on whether you will be able to win, essentially a game of luck.  Even years ago, it was also done for the enjoyment thereof, but there was still the odd person or two who tried to regulate or profit from the system.

What makes one want to gamble?  An estimated guess would be the fact that you could win something.  The thrill of gambling proves to be an enjoyable experience to humans, it also affects the release of the ‘feel good hormones’ in the body.  Even in the instance of a loss, the excitement still prevails.

The Role of Anticipation and Dopamine

Dopamine is what they call the ‘feel good hormone’ in the human body.  It’s the release of chemicals that cause that exciting feeling of euphoria.  Think of running the 100m in the Olympics. That rush of adrenaline coursing through your veins.  And then, just as you cross the finish line you look up to see you won – that’s the feeling we are talking about.

In a scrappier sense, it can be ascribed to a drug addiction.  Your body starts to crave that ‘happy’ feeling and hungers for more. You aim to recreate the preceding actions to obtain the same end goal. The same applies to gambling. The more pleasant something is, the more you yearn for it.

The Power of Positive Reinforcement

Gambling is a game of chance.  There is no guarantee that you will win something, if indeed anything.  Think of a slot machine.  There is a chance that you could win, and there is a chance that you can win big.  This thrill triggers the dopamine release in your brain.  Craving this feeling might lead a gambler to continue chasing a win, just to regain that pleasurable feeling.

I guess it would be safe then to assume that smaller, occasional wins can prompt someone to strive for continued satisfaction.

Social Proof and Shared Experiences

What can be more exciting than reading about the latest lotto winner in the news?  And how many of us went out and bought a lotto ticket in the hopes of sharing in this coveted title?

In a casino environment, hearing the bells go off and seeing someone win ignites a desire to follow suit.  After a payout on a slot machine, human nature dictates that one might try and recreate that moment for your own benefit. 

All these things fuel the possibility of a future win, promoting continued gaming.

The Escape from Reality

In gambling, you play games – simply speaking.  It provides a fun break from reality as well as the boring routine of everyday life.  The enticing pot at the end of the rainbow helps us to craft that ‘castle in the sky’.

Countless people advocate the importance of dreaming big.  Imaging life in a different scenario as per the status.  All of us have done this.  We dreamt big and lived lives beyond our imagination, just to provide a quiet escape from a moment of intense stress and frustration.

Affordability and Perceived Low Risk

Sweepstakes casinos are a ‘no cost’ gaming platform.  The virtual currency utilized by the players are obtained through various methods, such as signing-in, accessing a link or even opting to play a certain game.  The only real investment from the player’s side is that of time.

The possibilities of a win, are however, very real and can be quite lucrative.  Whether you fancy a cash prize or seem happy with a shopping voucher, it doesn’t matter.  This method of gambling is a bit more affordable to your average public than your standard casino setup.

 The overall low risk approach to a possible high-risk win, makes it a recipe for success.  

The Social Component of Sweepstakes

Human nature inclines us to want to be part of something.  That feeling of communal interest.  The social interaction in sweepstakes play from home casinos is a pleasant after effect of an otherwise solitary gaming platform.  Players can interact via live chats whereby discussing gaming strategies and celebrate wins.  Community tournaments leverage on this by bringing a shared goal to the table.

For those who confide in the solitude and harbor a fear of human interaction, this can have a positive outcome.  Interaction is filtered by a device, providing a sense of safety.

Brands and the Psychological Leverage

A few years ago, casinos were only available as land-based options.  If legislation permitted, you could visit these fine establishments and enjoy the amenities.  With the evolution of the digital age, online casinos came to life.

With the advent of the sweepstakes casinos, a new carrot was dangled in front of players.  The gambling system stayed the same, the only change was the fact that the play was at no cost.

All of these have the same thing in common.  They promote gambling.  The games on offer are similar, the execution varies slightly.  The gaming environment basically took an existing model and constantly kept repackaging it to grow its membership.


Human nature attracts us to things with a positive outcome.  Anything that one can gain, seems worth a risk.  Sweepstakes casinos aim to provide a lower risk to an almost similar or higher gain for a player.  Although the benefits to this are so much more, risks stay the same.  Moderation and responsibility are key factors that should not be thrown by the wayside for this enjoyable sport.


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