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Sharing A Powerful Shift

“Delight yourself in the Lord, in goodness, kindness, compassion, love.” Psalms 37:1

I love this. This passage strikes a big chord within me. It makes me feel my tender heart, and I NEVER want to lose that. This is something I value most about myself; it’s how I feel and stay connected to my spirit. It’s my love.the love inside me that wants to touch others, help others, to make a difference, cause a shift, a change. I like to think that I inherited this heart from my father.thank you Dad!

To help myself stay connected to my heart and the power of love through my heart, I have a few tricks. Whenever a negative thought or feeling comes over me, I start to sing a song I love and I smile; this immediately brings me back to a positive place and reconnects me with my heart. In order to continue moving forward in a powerful way, we must remain connected. This is where all our power comes from.our hearts, our can literally move mountains.

I’ve learned to be grateful for where I am right here, right now. At the same time, I’m very aware of learning every lesson God has for me through difficult situations. These difficult moments and lessons are preparing us for all the blessings God has for us.

I understand and know for sure that my truths, difficulties, and my deepest darkest secrets, are the very things that are going to help people and connect me with them. These truths will help others but ultimately will heal myself. We should dig deep through our pain to do big things. God is not small and doesn’t want small from us. Go big or go home, right? I’m so thankful and prepared now more than ever before to cause a shift.

Love is the most powerful of all our feelings and emotions. If we would wrap our thoughts in love, it would be the most positive and most effective way of manifesting our desires through the connection to our heart. God created us with all the power we need through our hearts and love. We must rise and elevate ourselves to match our desires. The vision we have in our minds, is a vision God gave us to manifest with power and confidence.


“When we feel gratitude now, it puts us on the frequency for what we want to receive.”


I’ve learned that who we surround ourselves with is a critical component to who we are as a human being. Sometimes we need to clean house, to weed out the people that don’t match your desires or vibrations. Everyone that comes into your life, comes in for a reason. Not everyone is meant to stay. We must find the strength to let people go and learn from the experience. Only move from a place of love and compassion.never from a place of meanness or anger.

People can be AMAZING! The universe will bring the right people to you at just the right time. I recently went through one of the toughest times in my life.


” I had posted a picture of my body.toned, muscular, and looking better than I had ever looked before. This photo frightened my family, everyone I thought was closest to me. This photo represented a new me, a strong me, I was no longer .≤poor little Michael’, they saw someone who was actively changing his life, in more ways than one. This outward image shocked and frightened them, I guess it made them feel less than and sparked a fierce jealousy. It made them frightened because I was no longer the weak one. They felt at that moment that they had to shame me and try and bring me down. This was the first time in my whole life that I said NO! I meant it and mean it.NO! I will no longer feel less than, because I am MORE THAN.”


Everyone that I thought was the closest to me turned their backs on me and went the other way, but the people I didn’t even know, people that had just came into my life reached out to me as though we had been friends for life, offering their love and support in an extraordinary way. It touched me so deeply. Because of these people, I found a voice within myself I didn’t know I had. They made me see myself in a way I never saw myself before. I realized through them that I had worth and a purpose.

There is a time we must find a deep love and respect for ourselves. We must stand up for ourselves and say NO MORE! I will no longer be a victim. We are worth so much more. We deserve to realize our visions and dreams. We have a life to live and it’s ours to live. We must take full responsibility for our actions with our heads held high. Always thankful and always grateful.

Allowing myself to be grateful has completely changed my life. It has magnified all the good and made it better. The more grateful I am, the more I have to be grateful for. I’ve never been happier, I’ve never smiled as much, for no reason.

I realize now that it was only after I personally broke free, found my voice, and owned who I was; it was then that I found myself. I only have gratitude for everything that means anything to me. Gratitude has enriched my life beyond measure.


“When we are grateful for where we are right now, and still excited about where we’re going.this is SUCCESS!”



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