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Sleep Health and Its Importance to Total-Body Wellness and Peak Performance

Sleep health is one of those many things our schools didn’t teach us while growing up. Now, more and more people have started learning about mental health and how it is impacted by the amount and quality of sleep. However, many people still forget that total-body wellness is also affected by sleep health. You can find lots of people who say they are anxious about not getting enough sleep.

On the other hand, many forget to link poor body wellness and lack of performance to an insufficient amount of sleep.

In this article, we would talk about establishing this link and thus understand the importance of sleep health when it comes to total-body wellness and peak performance. Our arguments are based on what the sleep-focused research into health has discovered in the previous decade. We have also tried to include the tips and tricks that may help you lengthen your sleep cycle and improve the overall sleeping quality.

Understanding Sleep

All of us spend a considerable time of our lives sleeping, correct? Even then, we often fail to understand the meaning of sleep from the body health point of view. When you are awake, your body is functioning at the desired level, both physically and mentally. If we see the human body as a machine, it works for more than 16 hours a day, although the intensity may vary. Like any other machine, the human body also requires rest and time to repair itself from wear and tear. This is where sleeping comes in.

According to medical experts, the time you spend sleeping is an important time for healing, regulating, and restoring your body. Healing means that your cells, which have been working all day, will take some rest and start to heal themselves. Regulating has to deal with how the different metrics on your body are brought down to normalcy. Last but not least, sleeping restores your body to a good state so that it can start working the next day again.

This should explain why you feel so good after a good night’s sleep. If you think about it, this wellness is not just about how fresh you think but also about the free mind-space you have. If you let your body sleep for 8 hours, you can quickly wake up from your sleep without feeling tired or anxious. And this point itself shows how much critical value sleep possesses.

The Neurological Aspect

We just told you that your cells use the sleeping time to regenerate and restore them to normalcy. But that does not completely give you full health. Sure, you can increase the sleeping time to 6-8 hours and wake up without any issues. However, we still miss the aspect of sleep quality here. Now, sleep quality is associated with the overall quality, intensity of your sleep.

Unlike what you may think, sleep deficiency has far-reaching consequences. Looking at it from the neurology point of view, not getting the right amount of sleep can affect the proper working of neurological restoration and performance. Scientists have also proven that continuous lack of sleep will lead to neurodegenerative conditions like Alzheimer’s disease. This is what we are trying to say. It may be long before you understand the real impact of the sleep you give up.

Sleep Hygiene

You should also address something called sleep hygiene, a concept that offers natural tips to fall asleep and fight insomnia. This sub-branch of sleep science believes that cognitive behavior therapy can help people fall asleep faster and better by changing the environment and associated habits. CBT-I is a broad area, and we don’t want to get too technical here.

But here’s the crux.

You have to imagine the perfect sleeping environment and something far from perfect. When you have the right set of accessories that make you fall and stay asleep, like a good pillow and an orthopedic mattress, it is expected that you can fall asleep faster.

In some cases, choosing the right sleep environment can be one of the easiest methods to sleep better. As you can guess, this process does not involve any medication from a physician. It has everything to do with how you behave and your environment.

CBT-I goes a few steps forward, though. For instance, CBT-I would encourage you to make your boundaries as clear as possible. I mean, you wouldn’t want to spend time on your bed with your eyes open if you can’t fall asleep. Similarly, following a proper CBT-I procedure would reduce your dependency on the short sleep sessions and power naps you have during the day.

In other words, CBT-I and its methods to improve sleep hygiene would redesign the way you look at sleep, and it does so by focusing on how good sleep can help your overall health and vice versa.

Some Other Ways

While these scientific advancements show how good sleep can affect your total-body wellness, you needn’t wait for therapy at all times. You can always explore natural ways to increase your sleep quality. Thousands of people have found that relaxing sleep noises, white noises, and even podcasts help them fall asleep better.

Similarly, pushing your body to a proper schedule will also increase the chances of good sleep. At the same time, you can rely on relaxation exercises and mental health checks. When combined with the right place to sleep and some headspace to relax, these ways should give you the recommended amount of sleep every day.


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