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The Best Fitness Tips for Healthy Living

Some people have exercising down to a science. They understand what macros mean, why certain foods are bad for you, or even which workouts will achieve the best results. However, if you’re interested in living a healthy lifestyle, you don’t have to fill your head with technical babble. The following simple fitness tips will benefit anyone looking to get started.

Exercise Daily

Exercise daily for at least 30-minutes a day, but preferably an hour, to maintain a healthy lifestyle. You don’t have to jog 5-miles a day, lift 20-pound weights each session, or even do difficult strength training or cardio exercises; just do what makes you comfortable.

If you want to improve your health, you’ll need to push yourself out of your comfort zone, but for now, moving is more than enough. Just remember that your muscles will ache after a workout, but being in intense physical pain isn’t normal. Slow down or switch to a different exercise if you feel your joints crack or your heart beating to the point that it becomes unbearable.

Use Supplements

Use natural workout supplements to bring that extra kick to your workout. Most of us know what it feels like to have no motivation before a workout, but supplements like vitamin K2 and D and improve your energy when taken in the morning. You could also drink a protein shake, take creatine, or partake in beta-alanine, a muscle builder. Plenty of fitness gurus recommend taking I-citrulline for its numerous benefits, like improvements in heart health and muscle growth.

Eat a Healthy Diet

What constitutes a healthy diet? That’s a difficult question to answer. There are plenty of fad diets that say they can help you lose weight but are often unhealthy. According to the World Health Organization, a healthy diet must have the following requirements:

  • Achieves enough energy and maintains a healthy weight.
  • Has a high consumption of vegetables, fruits, nuts, and whole grains.
  • Limits sugar (processed sugars, fruit is fine) and sweets.
  • Removes or limits salt from unnatural sources
  • Contains little fat and completely removes saturated and trans-fat

Did you notice how meat, dairy, and eggs aren’t on this list? It’s becoming more apparent to scientists that a diet high in animal-based protein sources can damage your health. It’s better to limit these foods so that you can lower your cholesterol, salt, and overall calorie intake.

Get Enough Sleep

Most of us don’t get our average 8 hours a night no matter how hard we try, but it’s essential to a healthy lifestyle. Sleep lowers your risk of severe health problems, like heart disease and diabetes. It also reduces stress and improves your overall mood. People who get at least 6 hours of sleep per night think more clearly on the job and perform better on tests.

On top of all that, poor sleep is linked to a higher body weight because your body compensates for lack of rest by eating more calories. If you want to look better, maximize your athletic performance, and improve your immune system, prioritize fixing your sleep schedule.

Drink Plenty of Water

Every day you lose water through your bowel movements, urine, sweat, and breath, but if you’re working out, you’ll lose even more. Your body requires water to function correctly, so you must replenish your water supply by drinking it or consuming beverages that contain H2O, like watermelon juice, cucumber water, or coconut water.

As an alternative, you can eat foods that contain high amounts of water. Tomatoes are made up of 95% water, while spinach contains 93% water. Both water-rich foods are nutritious, as well.

The average adult requires the following daily intake of water:

  • Around 15.5 cups of water a day for men
  • Around 11.5 cups of water a day for women

Some adults may need more than others. For example, an athlete may need twice that amount, while a sedentary office worker may need less. Drink whenever you feel thirsty, and keep drinking until you feel satisfied. Your fluid intake is adequate if your urine is colorless.


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