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The Right Way to Wash Your Face to Avoid Any Skin Complications

It’s important to remember that your face also suffers the effects of environmental pollution to which you are exposed daily, causing small particles to accumulate in the pores of your skin, which prevent the face natural oils from protecting you from irritation and cell damage.

That’s why it is essential to wash your face to keep the invasion of bacteria at bay; for that reason here’s a guide to clean your face properly and avoid any swelling, redness, acne or dryness, among other issues.

Learn how to clean your face with these simple 7 steps:

  1. Wash your face with lukewarm water and a mild cleanser, dry it with a clean towel. Exposing the skin to different extremes such as going from hot water to cold water can actually cause irritation, excess dryness and blood vessel ruptures.
  2. Apply a toner or astringent and wait for it to dry. This happens to be very useful if you have oily skin. And remember that no matter what skin type you have, it’s vital to treat it delicately when applying any cream or toner. Harsh rubbing can lead to harmful micro-tears and stretching.
  3. Apply your topical treatment, such as acne treatments. Apply it in a soft, circular pattern and slowly moving upward. If you’re thinking about exfoliating, keep in mind that over exfoliating can end up in dryness, irritation, inflammation and even infection, all of which destroy your skin’s natural ability to fight off skin damaging bacteria.
  4. Apply a treatment for the eye area and let it dry. This helps control the loss of collagen.
  5. Apply moisturizer. Drying your skin excessively can cause you to produce more fat. If you’ve got oily skin, you can go with a gel or lotion-based moisturizer. If you’re got dry skin, then you can use creams.
  6. Apply sunscreen, at least 30 to protect the skin from harmful UV rays.
  7. Put on a first liquid foundation and continue with the rest of your makeup routine.

In addition to these tips, do not forget to change your pillowcase once a week, avoid hair products such as oils and silicones from touching your face, and finally, avoid any perfume from spraying in your face.
It can be a bit tedious to follow these tips in order, but you should think about the result you can get, you will get cleaner pores, a more oxygenated skin and you will feel a refreshing effect.


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