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Why I Believe That Pilates Is the Ultimate Weight-loss Workout

Ever since the beginning of 2024, I’ve been on a so-called fitness journey. My goal wasn’t to solely lose weight — it was to create a lifestyle that would be attainable and that I would enjoy. But the truth is — I also hoped to lose weight. Even though I’ve learned to not allow the number on the scale to control my life, I still want to ensure that my BMI is at a healthy level and that I feel comfortable wearing whatever I like. So, I experimented with a number of different exercises, and here’s what I’ve found out — pilates is the ultimate weight-loss workout. Let’s find out why.

Low-Impact VS High-Impact

Before I start talking about anything else, we have to differentiate between two different types of physical activity — low impact and high impact. Low-impact workouts are things such as yoga, pilates, or walking. High impact are HIIT, heavy lifting, or CrossFit (my cortisol levels spike up just thinking about it). Even though both types of exercises are beneficial, they are completely different.

While low-impact exercises do burn fewer calories (when compared to HIIT, weight lifting does not burn that many calories either) they are still an amazing way to get your body moving and work your muscles. And what really sets them apart is that your body will also release a significantly lower amount of the dreaded stress hormone — cortisol. Even though more studies need to be done on this topic, a lower level of cortisol can actually help you stay in a caloric deficit. And that is the number one factor in weight loss.

Cortisol and Weight Loss

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Have you ever noticed how your appetite increases when doing high-intensity workouts? That’s no coincidence. Your body produces cortisol when under stress. And high impact workouts are a form of stress. Cortisol increases our cravings for sugary, salty, or fatty foods, which makes it incredibly hard to stay in a caloric deficit. On the other hand, low-impact workouts can actually lower your cortisol levels, which will help you stay on track with your diet. And even though we love to deny it, 80% of our weight loss is due to the amount of calories we consume. Not the number of calories we burn on the treadmill.

Full-Body Burn

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Another great thing about Pilates is that it activates your whole body! Unlike traditional weightlifting or cardio workouts that focus on isolated muscle groups, Pilates is a full-body workout that engages multiple muscle groups simultaneously. From your arms and legs to your glutes and back, every movement in Pilates requires coordination, control, and activation of multiple muscle groups. This results in a total-body burn that torches calories and melts away fat. Plus, with its emphasis on slow, controlled movements and proper form, Pilates helps improve muscle endurance and stamina. This allows you to push yourself further and maximize calorie burn during each session.

Mind-Body Connection

Last but not least, let’s talk about perhaps the most underrated aspect of Pilates — the mind-body connection. Unlike mindless cardio sessions on the treadmill or mind-numbing weightlifting routines, Pilates encourages mindfulness, awareness, and intentionality in every movement. It cultivates a deeper sense of self-awareness and control. This allows you to make smarter choices about your diet, exercise, and overall well-being. And let’s not forget — Pilates also helps combat stress-induced weight gain and emotional eating. This is what will set you up for long-term success in your weight-loss journey.


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